Mercury in Retrograde!

Aug 26, 2010 14:17

What a freaking nightmare that is, stupid Mercury. Problems with car, broken laptop, stupid call centres putting me on hold forever, and random emails from a friends account that someone seems to of hacked into! How strange!

Anyway, worst mood ever for the third day in a row. Not helped by my brat of a sister and lame friend. Anyway, i did my daily tarot read, and i seem to be advancing on my pagan studies well, so feeling good about that.
Walked around a local supermarket and found myself looking at things in a whole new witchy light- thinking of witchcraft ideas at bargin prices...exciting! Now just need to get paid (5 days and counting), then can start buying some new stuff and books to help my journey, yay!

I dont remember my dreams from last night, had a bit of restless sleep after annoyance with my sis, so maybe that affected it. But tarot is done for the day....

So Tarot Day 3

5 Cups- A figure draped in black, in a big cape covering his face. He dominates the card and is looking down at 3 cups which have fallen over. 2 upright cups are behind him.

Cups- Emotions and Spiritual Experience.
- Only focusing on the loss, hasnt noticed the two standing cups behind him yet.
- Obsessing over what is lost, rather than being glad for what they still have.
- Suffering a loss = Sorrow, regret and denial.
- Being disappointed by events, wishing for what might have been, believing you made the wrong choice.
- Might be feeling disappointed in someone for not living up to their expectations

Definately feeling all of these points right now, and always do this time of year. Nightmare. Just feels that sometimes being attacked from all sides. Its not a angry attack, i dont get hurt. Its more of the self centred people around me, how can they been that cheeky and rude and not even feel bad.
Just leave me to it and expect me to sit here, alone... waiting and begging for you to call. "Oh dont worry about Claire, she will always been home, she has nothing better to do, so as a last resort can call her to do something if nothing better comes along".

Also majorly regretting moving into this house, in which i have been left as the little housewife running around and doing everything (and spending a fortune) on my brat of a sister and her looser twat of an ex boyfriend. But to look on the bright side would be to see that i only have another 3 or so weeks left and we will be moving out, yay!

All in all, not feeling good. But this has been acknowledged.. kinda exciting that i pulled this card as it is a perfect decripton for my day. Especially as 5 mins before doing the reading i updated my Facebook status saying "Cant wait to get out of this house, biggest mistake EVER!"- Freaky!

So, quite accurate. Only hoping the first two cards will materialise in reality, could defo do with some luck and prosperity, lol. Oh well, only 2 days till the weekend and 3 bday celebrations. Yay!

Have a good day, Blessed Be )O(

moving, cups, mercury in retrograde, anger, sorrow, tarot, annoyed, friends

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