Jan 03, 2010 13:55
Trail: Mills Lake
Round Trip: 5.35 miles
Starting - Ending Elevation: 9,240 ft - 9,995 ft.
This trip was a ton of fun. First snowshoeing trip in years, Matt and I borrowed snowshoes from Mark and I borrowed some hiking poles from AJ. Getting to the hike was easy, there was no snow on the roads and little traffic. The weather was nice and though the altitude proved tough we started on. A light snow started falling, which got a bit heavier as the hike progressed. In the begining I think I pushed too hard, I always like hiking fast but should learn not to do that. Towards the end I got a better slower pace that needed less resting. We got to Mills lake (after hiking up a frozen waterfall and walking on the frozen creek) walked around the lake, or on it I should say. Then sat down to have lunch. It was breathtaking up there, but the temperature dropped a ton and the winds picked up. Eating a sandwich was painful. I would have had a second one but my hands were aching from the cold. Fiddling with my camera felt like I was risking my fingers to frostbite. I wanted to go around the lake, maybe make it to Jewel Lake...but the wind and the cold quickly made me want to get back down and not go walking around. Its a mixed feeling, I feel bad being there and not going for it, but the weather, the first trip, and the exhaustion made me turn back and I think Matt agreed. So we headed back down, less stops and a faster yet reasonable pace, downhill is always easier. I got to slide down the frozen waterfall. We got back to the car, feet aching, exhausted and ready to take a nap and have some dinner. All in all I had a blast! I can't wait to pick another trail and head out next weekend. Even though I can't really move today because I am so sore, I need to get into shape. So climbing this week, perhaps some yoga, and off to the trails!