Chapter 1

Jun 09, 2011 04:24

If you looked in to a cheap hotel in a small city you would find a 25 year old woman sharing a bed with a man. At first glance the man and woman didn’t seem much, didn’t seem like an Angel and a woman who has powerful uncontrollable demonic powers and is the heir to the throne in hell, but they were. You see the woman is Samantha Winchester and the man is Castiel, an Angel of the Lord.

We have been together since Cas had found me after I had been kidnapped, beaten, raped, and reprogramed in to a sex toy. Cas brought me to the only person who he could trust because the guy he brought me to one of his only friends that he had that he knew that he could trust even though he was the King of the Crossroads demons, Crowley. Crowley is now like my teacher, protector and best friend all rolled up in to one demon.

In the last few months that I had known Crowley I learned how to control most of my powers since who can control when they want to have a vision. I had gotten so good at my control that I can be Hunt without accidently losing all the control that I have. It had been hard at first but once I understood what my powers did and how they worked it had been so simple really. So I can control only 7 out of 8 powers since I have never heard of anybody who can control when they have a vision or not because I know it’s so hard to do.

Crowley also took me out shopping one
day and forced me to buy some new clothing that wouldn’t get wrecked when I am out hunting with Dean and also some that I could go out in, he also had me get makeup so I looked pretty well going on dates with Cas. Crowley just had to bribe me to go into a lingerie store. It wasn’t fun since I don’t like shopping for anything that isn’t a computer or books so I freaked out a little before and during all this.

When I got up I picked out my clothes for the day (black leather pants, blood red halter top and a leather studded belt), had my shower and put on my makeup on ( forest green eye shadow, navy blue eye liner and blood red lipstick). When I came out of the bath room I saw that Dean, Gabe and Crowley showed up with coffee and at the moment were trying to wake Cas up (he likes to sleep and if he doesn’t get any sleep he usually takes his anger out on Dean by screaming at him for 30 minutes which by that time I give him some of my coffee).

“Cas, if you don’t wake up soon you won’t get any tonight,” I whisper in Cas’ ear which makes him sit up and he grabs me and sticks his tongue down my throat. I grab his neck and pull him closer when all of a sudden I remember that there is other people in the room so I pull away blushing.

“Aw, little Sammy is so cute when she blushes like this,” Dean joked and then runs away since I have the “I will kill you just because you don’t think before you speak” look on my face. “Sammy’s evil, Sammy’s evil and she likes it!”

Me, Gabe, Crowley and Cas burst out laughing at Dean ‘cause he looks kind of like a little kid when he was acting like that and it is fucking hilarious that he would do such in front of a Demon and two Angels but I knew he was just trying to lighten the mood a little.

“Dean if you don’t start acting your age I will tell Gabe and Crowley about that one time when you thought that that girl you tried to take back to the motel that we were staying at when we were 16 and dad was hunting a pack of werewolves down did to us!” I threatened Dean. “Are you awake now Cas? Or do you want Dean’s coffee.”

“I will take Dean’s coffee because he doesn’t deserve any coffee since he is acting like a human child should,” Cas said well taking Dean’s coffee from Crowley since Crowley took Dean’s coffee when he started running away from Gabe because Dean stole Gabe’s Chocolate Bar from him.

“Dean, sit down and give Gabriel back his Chocolate Bar right this minute or you will be at Bobby for the rest of the month cleaning his house and researching for us, him and other hunter that need information. I know just how much you hate staying in one spot for that long,” Crowley threatened Dean.

Ever since out father raised us without a childhood Dean had a hard time growing up. When Bobby saw how he acted all the time even though he was older then I am he is mentally 15 years old and still getting older even though he hides it from anybody that isn’t considered family. So, we don’t let Dean Drink coffee or eat anything that is considered candy or too sugary for a child until he starts acting he own age. We had him tested for ADHD and ADD and was given the right medication to keep it in control.

“Crowley, did Dean take his meds today? You know what he is like without them,” I told Crowley with a growl and glare. Crowley flinches and passed Dean the right meds to take and a bottle of water. “Now, don’t forget to give Dean his meds again or I will have you wake up Cas next time and let him beat you for forgetting.”

“Please anything but that, I promise to take my pills before I come to give you your coffee in the morning from now on because I don’t want to be beat by the crazy Angel of the fucking Lord,” Dean said sounding freaked out.

I knew that if I used that threat against him he would listen to me because he would listen to Castiel most of the time these days because I went crazy after Dean came back from Hell for a will. I just couldn’t take that Dean had died and went to Hell, broke the first Seal (The Righteous man shale brake), and an Angel brought him back to life. So, I ran away found Ruby and broke the final Seal (which was spilling Lilith’s blood) and let Lucifer out of Hell which started the Apocalypse.

I’m scared, I know that most of my body except my face is scared and I know that I was so broken when Castiel met me and brought me back to Dean and Gabriel but Castiel doesn’t feel sorry or pity me like most of the Angels do. I also know that Lucifer is trying to reason with Michael because once Lucifer found out what the demons that turned their back on his cause did to me he didn’t want anything to do to wiping out the Human race anymore but wants to be the Ruler of Hell only. Michael agreed since he was having his own problem with renegade Angels.

So, well Michael trying to get the renegade Angels back on his side, Lucifer did the same to the renegade Demons but since they couldn’t be everywhere at once they asked for our help in fighting the renegades that they couldn’t get to.

This happened about 2 months ago. Even though we don’t get along with Lucifer or Michael, we know that there can’t be good without evil because if there is no balance between the two that creation as we know it will cease to exist. They also knew that there are people that will have both good and evil in their souls but will never be one or the other. That is why people where taught about the balance well they were growing up.

Dean seeing that I was deep in thought sunk up behind me and dumped ice cold water down my back then took off running with 2 giant balls of fire chasing after him because even though I don’t want to chase him I am still pissed at him. Drying my clothes I sit down and watch Dean run from the fire balls. All of a sudden a high class Demon that goes by the name Alice pops in and warns us that there is a group of renegade Angels and Demons were attacking Hunters and any human that is thinks that there will ever be such thing as the balance between good and evil.

So, we spread the word to Bobby, because he knows all the Hunters to contact, and give him a heads up on the situation with the renegade Angels and Demons. The situation so got bad that Angels that where on our side helped hunters that knew how to make weapons create Demon killing weapons and told them how to contact any of the Angels on our side when a Renegade Angel was attacking them. The hunters that know this information spread the other Hunters that where trustworthy of said information to not attack the Angel on our side or turn their backs on us.

We are down to 150 Hunters that are on our side and 80 Hunters that teamed up with the renegade demons because they had found out that our side had me on it, I can basically destroy the world if I don’t get my powers under control someday, they don’t want me to take the throne as the Girl Queen even though I am the rightful heir and I am the more powerful and The Archangels, Michael, Lucifer and Gabriel will stand by me.

We also know that The Archangel, Raphael and the Angel of the Lord, Zachariah and the Demon, Meg, are leading his rebellion against the Hunters, Archangels, Angels, Demons and any Psychics that believe in what everyone knows as the Balance, because without the dark there can be no light and vice versa.

We also know of a prophesy that was written after God had made Humans and then ordered Lucifer to be cast into Hell of a Queen that would be born Human but be able to hold the throne in Hell, for she would have Powers as Great as the most powerful Angel and Demon, she will bring to light that if good permanently defeats evil then all of creation shall cease to exist.

“What is left to learn Crowley? Because you can see I have control of my elemental powers, telepathy, telekinesis, astral projection since my astral body appeared next to Gabriel when he was out getting candy that one time it was so funny and Pyrokenisis, but is there anything else I should learn because you know how I feel about the part where I have to learn about ruling Hell. I don’t think I would be ready for that but I know I will have to do so anyways,” I told Crowley as I was freaking out so much that Cas and Gabriel approached me from behind and hugged me until I had calmed down enough. “Thanks guys.”

Gabriel looked at Castiel with a questioning gaze and Cas nodded his head to Gabe’s question. So, when Gabriel looked at Crowley that basically stated for Crowley to grab Dean and get out because he wanted to talk to me and Cas about something and Gabe will tell Crowley how it goes. So, Crowley grabs Dean and drags him out of the room leaving Gabriel, Castiel and me in the room alone.

“Samantha, we need to tell you that if you take the throne as Queen of hell you must have more then one mate once you sit on your throne. It was written in the rules of Heaven and Hell that the Female rulers of certain parts of Hell may have one mate but the Queen of Hell is different because you are the strongest of most Supernatural Creatures,” Gabriel explained to me. I was shocked that everyone just forgot that piece of information. “So, do you have any idea who you would choose to be your second mate at all?” Gabriel asked with hope in his eyes.

“Yeah, Gabe if you can’t tell who I want then I guess I won’t tell you… You will have to wait my answer and no don’t ask Castiel who I want it to be, you have 3 guesses and that’s all I am giving you if you can’t guess Castiel can give you three hints and use those hints wisely,” I said with a smirk. “Go ahead and give him his three hints, Cas. Oh, and you only have until the end of the day, Gabe.”

“Your first hint is: someone who saved her during a hard time,” Cas said.

“I know one of them is you but I can think of many other people who can fall under that category, so next hint please,” Gabe stated.

“Your second hint is: Someone who is usually with her most of the time,” Cas said with a look of amusement.

“Well you can count out Crowley, and Bobby,” Gabe stated.

“Gross! Why would you even think those two? That would be like liking my own Father or best friend,” I said grossed out. “Tell Gabe the next hint before I get sick, Castiel”

“Your final hint is: someone in this room that is not me,” Cas said frightened that I would hurt him or worse.

“Is it me? Sammy, do you like me as more than a friend?” Gabe asked me. “Was that why you wouldn’t just come out say that you want me as more than a friend? Are you scared of my reaction? Don’t you think I would feel the same way about Castiel and you both? I want you both! Why do you think I wanted to stay around and help you?”

“Oh, Gabriel,” I said right before I tackled Gabriel and kissed him well Castiel tries to go and tell the rest of the gang that we will be a will. We look over at Castiel and I tell him, “Castiel, if you don’t step away from that door right now we both know you will be sleeping on the couch for tonight not getting any.”

Castiel gulps and turns back around and heads towards us. "I think Castiel looks a little wiped don’t you think so?" Gabe asked me and I just giggled so Cas gives us the dirty look that says that says 'if you don’t stop laughing at me right now you’re the one that won’t be getting any from me!' So, we gulped, grabbed Castiel, pulled him to the bed and cuddled up to him and fell asleep with smiles on our faces.

sam/castiel/gabriel, kink: genderswap, scared broken fixed

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