(no subject)

Jun 09, 2011 04:10

Title: Scared, Broken and Fixed Verse

Rating: Mature (For Swearing)

Pairings: Girl!Sam/Castiel/Gabriel, Past Lucifer/Kira (OFC), Crowley/Arwen (OFC), One-sided at the moment but if you really want to help me with Dean/Michael

Characters: Girl!Sam, Castiel, Gabriel, Lucifer, Kira, Crowley, Arwen, Dean, Michael,

OCs: Arwen- Vampire/Archangel Hybrid, Kira- Arwen’s mother, Queen of the Vampires, Violet- Arwen’s half-sister, full vampire, Hair to the vampire throne, Audrey- Demonic Witch Queen, born in hell but raised on earth so she has her own body, Jaden-(Alice’s older twin sister) Born a Demon, Alice- (Jaden’s younger twin sister, Dean’s friend) Born a Demon, Alvina- Queen of the Lycans, Olivia- Heir to the Lycan throne
Summary: The Apocalypse was adverted but some Demons and Angels still don't like the thought of Humans being alive on earth so they are attempting to restart the Apocalypse. I am Samantha Winchester and I am trying to stop that from happening with my mates, Gabriel and Castiel, along with Lucifer, Michael, my big brother, Dean, Crowley a whole lot of other supernatural creatures on my side. And this is my story!

Warnings: May contain Romance, Crazy themes, Swearing, And main characters not acting themselves. Have fun reading!

Every story starts out the same, but every story ends differently. I will be telling you my story. Before I begin this story I should tell you my name. My name is Samantha Winchester. Like every child, girl or boy, they have a mom and dad. My mom was an ex-Hunter named Mary Winchester nee Campbell, my dad was an ex-Marine named John Winchester and I have an older brother named Dean Winchester. That’s about my family but I have another story to tell you so you might understand mine.

Before I tell you my story I must tell you a story about two brothers. You see these brothers where Archangels, Michael and Lucifer. On day once God had created humans He told all the Angels that they must love humans even above Him and bow to them. All of the Angels but Lucifer bowed to the newly created humans. God saw this and asked Lucifer why he would not bow to the humans and Lucifer’s answer was that they were flawed and would turn on each other. So God had Michael cast Lucifer in to Hell and locked into a Cage deep in Hell where there would be 666 seals locking his
prison shut.

That was their story now it is my story. You know that it all started 10 years before I was born. My mom had made a deal with the Yellow Eyed Demon, Azazel, so that my dad could live. 10 years later I was born and then 6 months later Azazel came to collect. Feed me his blood and killed my mother, burning the house down (don’t worry my dad got Dean and me out fine) and for 13 years didn’t tell me that demons and other supernatural creatures were real. When I was 19 I got out of Hunting by running away and going to college.

What you didn’t know is that Jess wasn’t my girlfriend, she was my best friend helping me hide that I am straight by pretending to be my girlfriend. She died 3 years later in a fire her room at the apartment that we were renting when I came back trying to help my brother find our father. I went back hunting and now after 3 years of hunting with my brother he had died and 4 months later came back from the dead to find me a little dark and barely holding on to my sanity at all since he went to Hell allbecause he didn’t want me to die he sold his soul.

When he found me I was with The Trickster, Loki aka The Archangel, Gabriel. You see Gabe found me 2 weeks after Dean had gone to Hell. When he found me I hadn’t moved to kill him or scream at him to bring Dean back. He stayed with me for 2 days only leaving to play tricks people who derived it, he found out I hadn’t been eating, only moving to have a shower when I started to stink.

Gabe snapped up different kinds of soup and bread every day and made sure I ate it all up until I was able to eat on my own. Gabe also noticed I would have nightmares if I wasn’t sleeping in his arms. So by the time 4 months passed that Dean was in Hell, I broke and was slowly being put back together by Gabriel so Dean told him he could stay looking after me when he wasn’t around. I knew that Dean might have felt it was his fault that I was broken but it wasn’t his fault since no one had known how much I depended on him but the demons did. So, Dean blamed it all on Lilith.

Dean found out that Castiel, an Angel of the Lord, had pulled him out of hell. The first time I met had Castiel, he looked at me and only saw the demon blood in me but when he looked harder he saw my whole past. He saw what Dean dying did to me, he also saw who put me back together and was shocked since Heaven’s entire Host. So, he met up with Gabe and got his story of why he left Heaven after Lucifer was cast in to his Cage and how he had found out what I was doing to myself. Cas doesn’t pity me, doesn’t look at me as something lower the dirt, Cas looks at me like I am a Woman who had gone to a place that people wouldn’t usually come back from without psychiatric help but with the help of the Archangel Gabriel, who also the Trickster Loki most of the time, came out a better man then Heaven or Hell would think.

Two weeks after I accidently started The Apocalypse, aka The End of Days, because a demon named Ruby was telling me that Killing Lilith, the First Demon that Lucifer had ever made, was a good idea, I was kidnapped by a group of demons that didn’t want the Apocalypse to start. Well I was held captive they beat, raped and basically made it so I was like a Sex Slave.

When Castiel found me he took one look and ripped apart all of the demons that had taken part in what was basically my reprogramming. It had been a massacre, everywhere you looked you couldn’t find a spot on the floor, walls or ceiling that wasn’t covered in blood.

Castiel got the idea that the King of Crossroads, Crowley because he had seen some of the things that pissed off demons did before but he didn’t know that they would go that far to break me. Crowley knew that there was no way to fix what had been done but could change little things about the way I reacted to what is happening around or to me. It wouldn’t change everything but it would be enough that I would just mean I would be able to function in the real world.

I just would have to be with Castiel most of the time because in my mind I saw Cas as the only safe
person/angel that I could trust but Gabe was also fine with me if Cas isn’t able to be with me at night since he couldn’t be with me all the time, with trying to hide that Gabe is still alive, on our side and we are going against what they want us to do.

If any of Castiel’s superiors found all this out they might try to start making attacks against us so that a 3 way war is being waged. Hunters and every Angel, Archangel or Demon who likes humanity against Heaven and Hell because most Archangels, Angels and Lucifer want to purify the earth of all Humans and Lucifer wants to also rule Heaven and Earth along with Hell and the Angels, Gabriel and most Demons don’t want to see that happen.

What Dean, Bobby, Crowley (he became my demonic protector and friend once Castiel let him see if he could help) and even Gabriel didn’t know was that I was slowly falling in love with Gabriel but Cas (when I met him, he thought I was evil but became one of my best friends and then my lover and master because I still can’t get what the demons did to me out of my head) knows that I am falling for Gabriel and promised that he won’t tell even though Cas thinks I should tell him that we are together and we wanted him to be with us the same way, too.

And this was what had happened up until now!

sam/castiel/gabriel, kink: genderswap, scared broken fixed

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