1. Still Sick (and an embarassing moment...
2. Baby Stuff and
3. Paranoia/Scary Pre-Labor Symptoms...?
3. A little relief regarding a certain student...
1. I am still sick. It sucks major monkey [insert explicative here], and I'm tired of it. I went to the doctor last Monday and he put me on THREE types of medications for a serious bronchial infection.
It's embarrassing to say, but for anyone who has been or will be pregnant, you probably will understand so yeah... I had to wear maxi pads for about 3 days because I was coughing so hard I couldn't control my bladder. NOT BUENO...
Thankfully I think the meds are finally starting to work because the coughing and wheezing has come down significantly.
2. I'm very concerned about what all the illness and meds are doing/did to the baby. My Doc assured me that they were safe (which I also confirmed with the pharmacist), but I'm still worried.
What's more is that I'm DESPERATELY afraid of going into labor early. We have 6 weeks left 'til she's actually DUE, but I'm very worried she's not going to wait.
3. Reason Number ONE I'm Afraid She Won't Wait: I've been having majorly sharp pains in the cervix for the last week (ironically since I've been so sick). I'm terrified that this means I'm already dilating...
Reason Number TWO I'm Afraid She Won't Wait: She had a total spazz attack on Wednesday night... I don't know if I pinched her when I bent down to get some covers, or what, but she was throwing a tantrum in there, I swear it. She didn't stop moving and rolling around in my stomach for a good 20 minutes and I was having such major stomach cramps/sickness I thought I was suffering from the flu or food poisoning...
Reason Number THREE I'm Afraid She Won't Wait: She's Breech. If she decides to come now, or any time before the next 4 weeks, I will need a Cesarean Section (c-section), which I am desperately afraid of getting. It's not the actually cutting or recovery that bothers me, it's just that I've waited 9 freakin' months to meet her and hold her and feed her and I don't want to be completely incapacitated once she actually gets here.
Reason Number FOUR I'm Afraid She Won't Wait: She's MY daughter... *I* was 3 weeks early, and have always done what I want, when I want.
Okay, so enough baby ranting, now for some ... kind of ... better news.
4. My nightmare student may soon be no more!! I met with my Principal on Friday about my maternity leave and expressed my serious concerns regarding said nightmare student and my substitute. I pretty much laid out all of the events from the last 4 months (gods is that ALL?!?!?!) where this kid is concerned and my principal was SHOCKED...
He is now... get this!... trying to get the kid expelled!!! I feel a LITTLE bad for the kid, but it would be a HUGE relief to know that he can't hurt my other students while I'm away.
The principal is trying to get all the documentation necessary to get him expelled, but there is a small snag... The kid has a loophole that pretty much keeps him from being expelled because his old kindergarten diagnosed him as Autistic. I believe, however, that he was recently evaluated by a psychologist at a local hospital that said he WASN'T Autistic, just ADHD.
In any case, the principal called in a favor from a specialist who is going to come and observe this kid tomorrow and evaluate him.
My biggest fear is that we won't be able to do anything because of his "condition," until it's too late.
The law apparently states that kids with special needs cannot be expelled unless the do "irreparable bodily harm" to someone. I've already caught him trying to stab someone with a pencil (numerous times), but apparently it would take him actually scarring a kid (or poking out their eye) before we could do anything about him.
At least I've got the principal behind me now. And he is one heck of a determined individual when he gets his mind on something...
Well, that's enough ranting for now!
Love & Light,