Mar 28, 2010 17:40

Bear is a complete genius.  The greatest and coolest, most awesome honey in the whole fucking world.  While I was taking a nap yesterday, he plugs my laptop in and what do ya know...he has the magic touch.  I am at home, in the bedroom, on the internet.  Fuck yeah!!

Just got off work for today, I go back on Thursday.  I hate how my schedule changes every week...I wish I was getting more hours.  Next week I work 16 1/2 hours, this week was 12.  It's not going to be enough to get by on....and with Bear going off to work on the pipeline in the next month or so, I'm going to be screwed.  I won't think about that now, I'll think about that tomorrow.  ( ten points if you can tell me who that quote is from;))

We've managed to procure a bed.  It's Bears cousin Verns.  He just got a job in Salt Lake City, Utah--and moved out of mommy and daddys house finally.  ( vern is almost 2 years older than Bear, who will be 23 in may)  The company he got on with is paying for him to stay at a hotel, and use a company truck, so we get his mattress.  I'm stoked.  Now all we need is livingroom furniture.

V went with mother to San Francisco for spring break, they just got back yesterday, after being down there for a week.  She bought me chocolate mushrooms!!!  They're from Japan, little packy-type wafer stems, with chocolate caps.  They're probably the coolest candy I've had in a while.  And I got a really cute little Grateful Dead fimo clay and metal one hitter.  My little sis is so sweet, she knows just what I like.  V also got her bottom lip pierced on the left side.  She just turned 18, and can hardly wait to start getting tats like I did.  We are going to go in to a shop and get one together.  Her first, my third.  She wants an ivy chain around her foot and ankle, up her leg...little girl has been obsessed with ivy for years...  I think she'll start with 3 or 5 leaves, and then add on to it later. 
I'm trying to get a new tat every two years...that way I can space them out a little, and I won't be covered be the time I'm 25 (even though I want to be).  It's been two years since my lat tat.  I think if I go to a shop, the next one will be behind my ear on the left, or little turtles walking up my thigh.  This summer I might break my new rule though, and get my memorial tat for daddy, when we go to scatter his ashes.

Tomorrow we get the power switched over, and gas, but other than that...I have no immediate plans.

A friend from school contacted me a few days ago- he just got his green card, and wants to give me free pot every week.  I have no problem with free medical pot.  It was kinda weird...out of nowhere I get this call at fucking 7:30 in the morning (such an ungodly hour for telephone usage) from someone i haven't talked to in almost 2 years...he wants my address so he can come by and blaze when he picks up his ounce.  We have yet to meet up, cuz he hasn't hooked up yet, but I'm excited.  I miss Joe...he's my big cuddly, probably gay stoner friend.  I say probably because no one is really sure.  He talks like he's gay, acts like it, but always has girlfriends, and is checking out chicks, but used to cross dress.  It's confusing, but we all just accept it as "that's Joe.  He's a little off"  I love him, he's great fun.  One time he made my best friend, who was sober, cry while a bunch of us were all tripping balls on mushrooms.  Good memories.

I just read back through this, and it's pretty fucking mish moshed together I think.  a random compilation.

I'm gonna go smoke a bowl now, might be back later.

Oh, I'm sorry for not commenting on all your pages, but I haven't had internet.  I'll try to wade back through past entries and figure out how your lives have been going.
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