Feb 28, 2010 11:47
At sunset, light a new candle in any color of your choosing. Put it in a room, any room, where you spend a good deal of time. It can be the bathroom, bedroom, kitchen, basement anywhere. You can stay while it burns and try to meditate on the flame, envisioning it burning all negativity and unhappiness out of your body - or you can leave it alone in a safe holder, open a window and shut the door. While away, if that is your choice, envision the candle scorching the walls, filling the room with lampblack and destroying all bad energy that has been absorbed there.
Allow the candle to burn all the way out.
I will be doing work tonight, and the candle burning on your end will help make the connection easier. Blessed Be.
Had a second interview for Sizzlers yesterday. I hope they call me. I really really do. Maybe I'll work for that too tonight.
Happy sabbat loves.
We are sick with the crud. Boooo