Sep 29, 2012 08:21
interesting adj. 1. capable of holding one's attention. 2. arousing a feeling of interest. 3. Oh God, oh God, we're all going to die.
Yesterday was the epitome of the third definition of "interesting". Today is my heart, not time, that is all wibbly-wobbly.Some of you already know that I was starting to see someone new. Well, yesterday consisted of me receiving a package from Kalyca, being dumped by Jen and then having conversations with both of them thatleft me even more confused. I am starting to understand the reasoning behind celibate monastic orders. I have agreed to meet in person with Kalyca so that we can better talk things out. I have not, and will not make any promises to her, or Jen, about what the future may or may not hold until I can disentangle these emotions from each other and sort through each of them in turn. I am aware that I'd be well within my rights to tell them both to "fuck off," but I refused to do that to the woman who hurt me mare than either of them many years ago. We'll see where life takes me from here.Who knows where happiness lies? Maybe it's just beyond my next horizon. Maybe I'll find it alone. Maybe it lies in second chances. Maybe I'll stumble upon it with a new partner I've not yet met. I don't know. That's the beauty of it. There is one thing I do know however. No matter how dark the dawn, there is ALWAYS hope for the future.