Well, this friday night was slow. We watched the Office Special. I guess this offsets all the craziness that was had last friday.
I've done a week of school. I managed to fall asleep at least once in all of my classes. Two of them have no more than 6 people in them, and at one point while I was sleeping the teacher decided to lecture over my shoulder till I woke up. It apparently took me a minute or so before I realized what was going on. It was just statistics!
I am grading for physics for poets. The answer key does not have numbers, but short answers. What kind of physics class has short answers in homework assignments?!??! I guess the one for poets. When I went to pick up the homework to grade, the professor was wearing a star trek uniform (officer red with the commander rankings) and was discussing his latest dungeons and dragons game with a grad student. Also- he signs his email with this:
-- T
Do not meddle lightly in the affairs of Dragons
For you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup
My engineering lab had me building objects out of playdough, then drafting them to correct to scale dimensions, in engineering class we spent the week reviewing vectors (stupid biomedical kids don't know their shit). What confused me, however, was the fact that we were using 2 angles and a magnitude to describe a two dimensional vector. Kyle or Pete, please tell me people aren't this crazy at berkeley.
I had a really slow night. Alex ate chris' burrito, and skeletor made lots of cute sounds. It rained a lot. So, in conclusion; Zach's hat:
kinda like bigfoot
And the beautiful reunification of two old friends. Next time don't leave your hat in the work van, Zacharino!!!
I guess this is something boozies do. At least that's what he said.