Jan 02, 2005 00:42
We had a big party. I didn't take pictures- but Tamee, Zach, Amanda and Amy did. I'd like to get your photos when you upload them. Avery, there is a polaroid of your butt I found on our mantle next to the four christmas cards from Chris' mom. Damage to the house was moderate. We have a divot in our carpet, which we are planning to obfiscate by cutting short carpet all around the depression for five feet, creating a shallow, unnoticable, circular indentation. We're going to stucco over the dent in the wall, and we've already steam cleaned the carpets. Hopefully this will take care of most of the problems. I would like to thank everyone who came up, and I would especially like to thank everyone who put money in the hat and ESPECIALLY THANK everyone that helped clean this morning and last night. There is very little I have to say about new years other than, "that was one helluva party."
I'd like to congratulate Kat and Daniel on their engagement. I'd like to wish everyone a happy new year, and stick to your resolutions, or else. In case you didn't know, Ace of Spades and Frinkbot in Time are now on dvd and availible. The only way to get them, however, is to come visit, or send me a self addressed, stamped envelope (that can hold a cd) with a note (preferably of the 'C' variety). Posters are waiting to get printed, but I am not going to get any printed until I know who really wants one, and probably get money for them in advance (as the party ate up most of my birthday cash.) I can put posters on deviant prints, but I think it will cost more eventually- probably 20-25 instead of 10-15 dollars. so if you're interested, let me know.