(no subject)

Mar 21, 2007 16:30

When do you leave? he asks me and I tell him, looking for a clean glass. Teeth are not actually made from bone. The first layer is enamel, below that dentin and then pulp. With proper care, teeth can last for life. Animals that mate for life: whales, geese, swans, some kinds of penguins. Are you sad? he asks me and I say yes - no - yes - and then I say nothing. Taste buds are on raised bumps on the tongue called papillae. The human tongue has about 10,000 taste buds but only five tastes, none of which are specific for the taste of alcohol on another’s mouth. What would make you stay? he asks me and I don’t say anything. The tip of the tongue is the apex. The blade of the tongue is the lamina. The body of the tongue is the dorsum. In many parts of the world, the word for “tongue” is the same as the word for “language.” In every part of the world, the word for “tongue” is different from the word for “kiss” and also, “accident.” I like this song, he says and I nod my head. Three to six layers of skin make up the human lips and they contain no pigment. Instead, blood vessels color the lips red. The vertical groove between the upper lip and the nose is called the philtrum. Folklore says that before a baby is born, an angel visits and teaches it everything it can ever know. Just before birth, the angel shushes it with its finger, which leaves the dip, and everything is forgotten. I tell him this and lie at the end. I say, we kiss to relearn everything. Can I see you again before you leave? he asks. The fingertips are full of nerves making them highly sensitive to touch. This is why we are nervous when we hold hands, I think. This is also what makes reading Braille possible. And also, reading creases in lips, spaces between eyelashes, and lifelines on palms.
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