Waiting for deliveries

Apr 05, 2014 18:13

March 05 We’ve been trying to get out of here for a few days now, but upside-down body clocks and poor weather-it rained rather heavily over the weekend-kept us here. Still, our planets aligned today, I reached a suitable stopping-point in the programming, and we got on the road to Blythe.

There’s something odd about Blythe. It is feeling home-like. After we’d done all our errands, from post office to laundry, going up the hill towards Midland felt nice. Some of it is that we’ll be leaving soon, so the nostalgia kicks in, but Quartzsite doesn’t have quite the same pull.

We picked a spot and sat in the evening sunlight. It’s warmer than when we left, of course, and there are a lot more bugs. The sunset went down in its duly appointed way, and we settled in for the night.
This was cross-posted from Raven's Roads. You can comment here or there, but if you could bring yourself to comment there rather than here, that would be very nice. Here's the link to comment over there

blog, quotodien, base camp, rving

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