Oct 27, 2004 01:36
So I was thinking about this a few months ago, and am now thinking about it once again. From the perspective of a chemist, all thing happen because of interactions between atoms, and molecules, and particles, and energy. Everything. If all things started from the the big bang, or whatever (the important thing is that there is all the energy and matter in the universe that is going to be is there. There is no net change of energy or matter into or out of the universe), then there was some initial "push" (a beggining to time was proved mathematically based on how we describe the universe with math by Steven Hawking). This gave energy and movement to matter. since all things happen as a reaction to something else (i.e. I see a pretty woman, my eyes send the stimulus to my brain, hormones are releaced in my brain and sent all over my body, I get aroused), and all things are interacting with each other on some level, and are changing in reaction to each other, then the initial "push" which put all things into motion started this big complex chain reaction of events, and things are happening as they were supposed to statistically. If the initial "push" happened any different then perhalps the universe would have formed differently than it did, and life would be different to adapt to the conditions of that universe. If there was intellectual life, their society would be different. The way they interacted would be different, yet it would all be a reaction to the action affecting it. It really doesn't matter though, cause regardless of whether things are or are not happening because of this it really doesn't affect us at all, just something fun to think about.