Oct 27, 2004 01:06
Today was a really good day. I didnt get a whole lot done in particular, but it was one of those times where you just think about existance and stand in awe of it. I went for a jog this morning. It was cold and little foggy. The sun was just coming up, very peacful, and I felt great afterwards. School was normal, and I then saw a friend in a couple short plays. He was really good. Afterwards we went for pie at Baker's Square like we always do on Tuesdays. I had a really good time. We stayed til they kicked us out, and we were being loud and obnoxious. Luckily were were almost the only ones there, and they know us so it was ok. After I got home it was about midnight o' clock, and I felt like going for another jog. The jog was amazing. One of those times where you feel one with everything around you. And this is where I begin.
So I was jogging, and half way back I am going across this bridge that goes over a small creek, and I happen to glance up cuase there were no trees. The moon was out in full view giving off a lot of light, and there were many stars in the sky. I stopped and just looked for while. As I am jogging back I just try to be aware of myself. I try to feel my legs and the blood pumping through them, and focus on them. I am breathing and jogging to the beat of the music I am listening too. I smell the cold brisk fresh air. It rained today. I look around and see trees, and fences, and houses, and concrete, and light poles, and grass. Its all the same. Some organization of protons, electrons and nuetrons (smaller than that even, its all energy). We are all just a collection of and organization of energy in some form or another. We are all becoming more and more random, and entropy is returning us to what we were originally in the beggining of time, which is energy. Everything slowly is being evenly distributed across the universe. Life and death are nothing. What we feel and see and taste and hear and think and smell, these are all just perceptions and illutions. Its so easy to get stressed out about life in general. It really comforts me, and I get this spiritual high when I think about this. We try so hard to organize, and make perfect, and we enjoy it, heck I do. We build and change society, and errect elaborate structures and fabricate material goods to improve our lives. I dont know where I am going with this. I really take heart and am joyfull in knowing this and thinking about death, and life, and futility. It doesnt matter any of it. Existance is not in your control no matter how hard you try. You make some sort of organization but in the end it will all return to what it once was. So be happy, and enjoy life. Live it to the fullest. Help others to live it to the fullest and enjoy it. Existance is wonderful, whether its real or not. I am reminded of these things every now and then, and it always makes me feel so good. Enjoy existance.