До свидания.

Apr 10, 2017 13:03

Final post.

With the new changes to LiveJournal's EULA promoting policies hate, ignorance and intolerance, this account is officially done.

My thanks to anyone who has read my ramblings over the years, and still occasionally checks over here.  I know that I've said that things would likely never return, but with the recent changes here, I think it's safe to say that "likely" can now be removed.

To anyone who feels it necessary to defend LiveJournal's policies, don't bother, as you'll be wasting your breath.  To those who feel I shouldn't let the door hit me on the backside on the way out, don't worry, as I won't.

And to those who feel similarly, I hope that we'll cross paths again on other forums.

And to LiveJournal, well . . . I dedicate my final song here to you.

Signing off. Good night, and good luck.
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