Then, and only then, There Was Light.

Oct 08, 2004 02:06

We have evolved beyond ourselves. Two parallel lines have come crashing into each other. At once we have outgrown the old ways that cradled us and nurture into existence, the new. There is no coincidence here, we must move on because we can. We can, because we must.

At the cusp of mans abyss we stand, another in a long line organisms who through overachievement have changed their ecosystem beyond the point were they can be sustained any further. Our single claim to precedent, should we choose to claim it, is our ability to look upon our own demise, in full awareness of what it is. Further we can choose to rejoice in our perishing. For from the dead husk of our collective carcass shall be born the new life. The next step in our evolution towards...

The creationists and the evolutionists, both, are mistaken. Evolution does not do away with the concept of god. Man is not the pinnacle of creation - how could so imperfect and transient a form be. Concurrently the universe has not been stripped of purpose. The purpose, the pinnacle of all, is divinity, as it has always been. But, it is only through evolution, that can a God come to be. God does not stand at the institution of creation but rather at its conclusion.

He is not our creator but our child.
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