For the birds (and the bees)

Oct 07, 2004 22:31

You will remember that I once went to a psychologist. She was horrified that I did not believe in love. It is time I defended this belief. Love for most people is the highest, most noble sentiment man can aspire to. How beautiful, how romantic, that Romeo and Juliet were nothing without one another. How warm, how perfect is the care of a mother for her offspring.

Love is the apex of all moral systems ever devised. We are to love all our neighbors. Even the ones with screaming offspring. We are to love the less fortunate. Even the ugly, smelly, ones who make nuisances of themselves at street corners. We are to love our nation. Even as it hinders your pursuit of happiness. We are to love all of gods furry little buggers. Even if they are slimy and eat your cookies.

Behind this lovey-dovey rhetoric is one simple, honest, respectable desire. Gimme, gimme gimme! Each of the moral agents of this world secretly hopes that in the final tally they will have received more than they have given.

Which brings me back to love, that pinnacle of selflessness. What we have here, my fellow sinners is the ultimate conclusion of the altruist plot. Total devotion. To whom? To Me. Gimme, gimme, gimme!
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