Gondor has no grammar. Gondor needs no grammar!

Aug 26, 2008 12:59

I are very excited. 
I are going to Greek food and (finally) see Ironman at the cheapseats with

We were sort of planning to see Hellboy, but it pulled a mysterious vanishing act after only a month in theatres. In other news...

Drawing like maniac. University starts in, like, a week. Don't really want to think about that (also have a sneaking suspicion that I've signed up for a couple consecutive classes that are about 5 kilometres apart. So apparently I'm going to need a Time-Turner in order to make my classes on time.)

Oh, yes! I turn eighteen this Saturday! *does the legal adult dance*

Aaaaand... am three-quarters of the way through Vanity Fair. It's really good - I especially liked the part during the battle of Waterloo - but...all the characters are such scheming, grasping, hypocritical, snobbish, awful jackasses. I mean, that's the whole point of the book, but...urgh.

After this, I want to read... 
1) Pilgrim's Progress
 2) Wuthering Heights, and everything else by the Bronte sisters
3) The Scarlet Letter 
4) Gone With the Wind 
5) The Great Gatsby 
6) Anna Karenina 
7) Don Quixote
8) Everything Dickens ever wrote
9) War and Peace
10) something by Virginia Wolf
11) something by Anthony Trollope

Hopefully I can manage this before Christmas, along with university and everything else.

I don't think I can take Gaelic classes this year. Shit. It's the only language I really enjoy learning and listening to...and it helps me feel in touch with my roots...and I feel like I'm doing something USEFUL while learning it, because I'm helping a nearly-dead language SURVIVE the twenty-first century...Shit.


movies, school, books

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