Blargs. Sociology midterm tomorrow morning. Shouldn't even be on the computer - God knows I'm distracted enough at the best of times.
Miserably cold. Not a good day for people with abnormally long extremities. Like me.
Mom was making Christmas cake and tourtiere this afternoon (that's a savoury French-Canadian meat pie, for les americains) and the house currently smells like spice heaven.
Unfortunately, the Choir Calgary Trip of Doom is coming up (dear God, as long as we're leaving at 6 o'clock Saturday morning for this utterly wretched affair, couldn't you at least arrange for us NOT to get back at 1 30 Monday morning?), which means that I AM GOING TO MISS STIR-UP SUNDAY.
Stir-Up Sunday is when we make the Christmas pudding - every member of the family has to stir it and chant the pudding rhyme over it. I am exceedingly upset about missing it.
Mock me not! Yeats agrees with me, dammit - "How but in custom and ceremony are beauty and innocence born?"
Ummm...yes. Have some drawings.
The Phantom of the Opera in all his hideous corpse-like glory. *squeezes him* Possibly my favourite fictional man. Ever.
Jane Eyre and Rochester. Because they're awesome.
Last-minute studying, ho!