inappropriate icon is...semi inappropriate

Oct 26, 2011 20:57

For this post at least, XD But that's only cause I don't have time to go icon searching right now, haha But...

I'm throwing up my hands, here. And jumping into Marvel movie!verse fandom, lol During the time I've spent trying to tell myself what I have to write next this is what I've missed: the feeling of being swept up head over heels in ( Read more... )

thor, avengers, iron man, captain america, steve/tony, life

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Comments 9

4mylovekakashi October 27 2011, 02:29:41 UTC
GOOD LUCK WRITING!! :D I may not know the pairings but its always good to have an idea come to you

Also, I'm starting to think I might have an icon for every occasion XD here is my own joker to match yours haha. Dark Knight = favorite movie. Am I looking forward to TDKR and hoping they don't ruin things? YES!

The Sound and the Fury is Faulkner, yes? For some ungodly reason I actually liked reading Faulkner for my lit class <.< like, I can't fathom how I don't understand a lick of poetry but his writing interested me .. maybe i'm messed up XD

But pfffft no more of this nonsense about school work, I'm going to get to more important things, like getting some sleep! XD


whreflections October 27 2011, 02:35:13 UTC
omg, TDK=fucking amazingness, :D That movie took over my life for a couple months at the end of 08/beginning of 09 and it's still one of my favorites and I kind of ship Batman/Joker like freaking crazy, lol Ah, I have so many good memories of that point in time...that was one of those moments for me, know how they say fandom completely strips you of every boundary you say you have? Well that one definitely stripped me of some and I totally didn't mind, lmao But yes, I am soooo looking forward to TDKR and hoping it is epically awesome, :D ( ... )


4mylovekakashi October 27 2011, 02:56:02 UTC
This makes me want to ask if you saw the Joker Blogs on youtube and if you have not then you MUST!!
I'm not so much into shipping from Batman lol.. just, the Joker has this solid character in my mind now and just.. he is not a pairings kind of guy (although I will admit I have read a few XD)

As I Lay Dying is the one I read for class and I liked it. Some people mentioned another one, Emily something.. being good too. But I also know people who HATE him so we'll just have to see...

I haven't slept all the much in the past 2-3 days for exams so now is my chance! I get to where I don't quite function if I don't sleep so...I must take it while I can!

good luck on your tests, and tell amanda that too! :)


whreflections October 27 2011, 19:58:49 UTC
I have not seen the Joker Blogs...but now I am super curious, :D I'm gonna have to look those up when I get home...

ha, but yeah I can understand about Joker, he is definitely very unique and fucked up, but I just have so much love for him and Batman...and reading/writing stories that are like, 90% incredibly fucked and twisted(or that start that way at least, lmao), XD

Hope you got you some good sleep! I...did some hw last night, but I mostly talked to my friend on the phone and then did some writing and reading, so I kind of failed, lol But, I have to do hw/studying tonight...definitely...XD But thanks! :) Amanda's taking her test right now...*fingers crossed*


purpleyedemon October 27 2011, 04:20:24 UTC
Aaaahhhh!! Tony/Steve!!! I just got bit by that bug like 2 days ago, lol. amuly got me hooked and I can't stop. Just like you, Jared/Jensen and Chris/Steve, and even Remus/Sirius will always be my one true loves or something like that, but aaaaaaaagh Marvel movie!verse is taking over my life at the moment!!

(I also have no appropriate icon...gonna hafta do something about that...)


whreflections October 27 2011, 05:59:25 UTC
It makes me so bouncy happy that you're being taken over too, cause we can spazz together about stuffs and...yes. :D

Cause see, ok. Working on this Thor/Loki thing right now but I'm getting closer to wrapping this up and I saw this awesome prompt on the Avengers kink meme asking for a kid!fic in which there ends up being a baby that is biologically Tony and Steve's but they had no part in this happening, it was brought about by some outside force and the two of them aren't even together, but then sharing a child brings them together, and I just have SO many ideas, like Tony who is secretly in love with Steve already but who was sure he could never make a move because, hello, very straight appearing guy from 70 years ago will almost certainly not be ok with that and then there's Steve who falls in love with Tony himself but who kind of hates it because he thinks Tony is incapable of being serious and serious is all he wants, even more so now that he has a kid because it's just not right and...I could ramble a bit more, but I think ( ... )


purpleyedemon October 27 2011, 19:07:05 UTC
Eeeeeeee that Tony/Steve prompt sound ADORABLE! Some crazy evil scientist somebody (Dr. Doom trying to fuck with the Avengers??? Ignore me as I come up with random fucked up ideas for your plot bunny, lol. Sometimes I just hafta be told to shut up. <.< >.>) cloning Tony and Steve into a baby!! Wooo!! And Daddy!Steve, and daddyissues!Tony, and aaaaagh!

Haha creepy Nate metaphors make everything better XD


whreflections October 27 2011, 20:03:44 UTC
:D Yeah, I cannot wait to write/start posting this...I love so much about it, and the thought of daddy!Steve just fills my heart with squee, lol Because seriously, he would be one of the most adorable dads ever. <3 <3 <3 (I put off hw last night to watch Captain America and stare at him some more...I regret nothing, lmao)

ooo using it to try to fuck with the Avengers does sound interesting...I've got to plan it all out. My main thought so far has been that Loki's the culprit(ok, partially influenced by how much I love Loki, lol), and he's like...he does it because Tony pisses him off. He's an observant little deviant and he's noticed the way Tony looks at Steve, etc. So it's like...he does it as a punishment, but in this like sarcastic way of "But now you have a concrete tie to him, isn't that what you wanted?" thought so far at least, but I'll have to play with a few and see, :D


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