inappropriate icon is...semi inappropriate

Oct 26, 2011 20:57

For this post at least, XD But that's only cause I don't have time to go icon searching right now, haha But...

I'm throwing up my hands, here. And jumping into Marvel movie!verse fandom, lol During the time I've spent trying to tell myself what I have to write next this is what I've missed: the feeling of being swept up head over heels in something that just absorbs me. Supernatural will always be my favorite thing in the entire world and Chris/Steve and Sam/Dean will always be my joint OTP's, but sometimes I'm gonna get swallowed whole by new things to lavish love on. And I admit total defeat at this point, I have like...Marvel fever, lmao

Read some in the Thor kink meme today, and realized I have an insane amount of love for Tony/Steve, too. Because seriously, gah. They're perfect. And then tonight I watched Captain America for the second time and just wanted to cuddle Steve like crazy at so many points and...yes. And, that first Thor/Loki fic of mine is currently 5,655 words and I keep thinking I'm gonna be done with this first section of it to post it(looks like it's gonna be two parts), aaaaan then Thor just won't shut up, lol BUT I'm postponing hw for a few hours to work on it more now, so I don't wanna promise but my goal I'm trying to push towards is having the first part up tonight...but since I do have to do some chem hw/studying at some point at least, I can't say for sure. sighs.

But speaking of school, I barely studied at all last night and then once I finally got down to it, I fell asleep while reading The Sound and the Fury, lol Which, btw, I would not recommend that book. I'm sure some people like it, but it wasn't to my tastes at all. It's going to be one of the very few books I've started and not finished. Anyway, so I was super nervous about the test this morning and I got up like 40 minutes early to have time to study, but I actually think the test went awesome, :D yays.

Ok, back to writing now! But this is just...a white flag moment, lmao I'm in full on superhero mode, God help me, hahaha

thor, avengers, iron man, captain america, steve/tony, life

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