Sick as a dog...

Sep 13, 2007 19:14

Personal post.

Got us this morning at 6:50 AM, intending to move our two vehicles before 7 AM when some city agency will be destroying the road and/or sidewalks in some manner.

Heard the alarm, rolled up out of bed and stopped.

Pain. Heat. More pain. Did I mention pain?


Turned off the alarm, staggered back the few feet to bed and sat.

Everything felt hot. Breathing felt hot. It hurt to look at things.

Kirsten asked what was wrong. I explained the situation to her more or less in the terms I just used here. I ask her to get me the digital thermometer.

It hurt to stick a thermometer in my mouth. This is bad. Really bad.

Temperature comes up at something like 101.5°F. Joy.

Kirsten dresses and goes off to deal with moving both vehicles. Sorry, dear, my body has been taken over by heat and pain elementals.

I've been sleeping off-and-on all day.

It hurts to lie down.

It hurts to sit up.

Ibuprofen seems to help oh-so-slightly, so I've been taking it every four hours.

We have an event this weekend, to wit, the Lakewood Lions' Renaissance Faire in Lakewood, New Jersey.

If this doesn't subside even slightly before tomorrow at Noon, I will be lying at home racking up pain points while Kirsten does the event alone.

This. Sucks.

Hope all of you are better than this. God help you if you're worse...

pain, sick, fever

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