kyleri tagged me, so...
A. List seven habits/quirks/facts about yourself.
B. Tag seven people to do the same.
C. Do not tag the person who tagged you or say that you tag "whoever wants to do it."
- I like machined parts. Large nuts, bolts, pistons, etc. fascinate me.
- Ditto glass, mineral, and metal spheres.
- I always thought I was 6' tall, until my doctor measured my height about a year ago and it came up as 6' 1". I still give my height as 6' when asked, because it seems right somehow.
- I have more friends with whom I interact on-line than I have in person.
- It usually takes me at least a dozen encounters with someone before I'll remember their name, and I have to be reminded of their name (by someone else) each time or I'll forget. As a result, I have friends who've known me for over 5 years whose names I do not know, but who I recognize on sight. kyleri is an example: I knew her for several years and dealt with her at a number of events before fabricdragon (my wife) managed to get it into my head that her name was Kate. As it is, I always remember her as "bang-bang Kate", because she's the one who plays with the period boomsticks at SCA events.
- I'm a fanatic about proper spelling, capitalization, punctuation, and grammar when I write. If I spot an error I've made in an LJ post, I'll edit it; if I spot one in a comment, it takes an act of will not to delete and re-post the comment with corrections.
- When my mother was alive, I kept up with family happenings by keeping in touch with her. I talked to her 2 or 3 times a week, and found out what was going on with my brother, my sister, and my assorted aunts, uncles, and cousins. Since she died in 1994 I've been in touch with my family perhaps once or twice a year, usually with my sister. They've generally had to contact me, as I've only initiated contact with them perhaps half a dozen times in the last 13 years.
Behold, I tag thee, and in tagging thou are tagged: