Aug 25, 2006 19:19
Graduation, a new computer, and most of the summer have gone by. I love my "apple mactop" (macbook pro) and really cannot believe how slow my old computer had become.
I said goodbye to Mickey yesterday, and Laura Pigeon today. Each time I say goodbye to someone, this whole college thing becomes more real. I'm leaving myself in six days. I suppose I have all the normal emotions that come with such a huge change: fear, anxiety, joy, excitement. It's silly, but this is like pre-school all over again. I have to start over and make new friends, and some small part of me is afraid that I won't be able to do it. Gah - I hate melodrama.
Anyway, I'm stoked to go to the US OPEN on Monday with Diana! It's Agassi's last show, and I really hope I get to see him play. Anyone who knows me knows that I'm absolutely obsessed with men's tennis, and it is such a rush to watch it live! Plus, memorabilia and bonding time with Di. :)
I'll try to update again before I leave for Penn. I've got a bit of a cold right now, so I'm not fully coherent/energized enough to write a full out entry.
Catch ya on the flip side.