Today's Match-Up: The Internet vs Wonder Woman

Aug 19, 2008 07:14


The Internet vs Wonder Woman

The second of the semi-final matches pits Wonder Woman against the Internet. The winner of this fight will face Patrick Stewart tomorrow in a three-day fight that will determine once and for all Who's Da Boss in 2008. So, will super-powers be enough to defeat the greatest revolution in communication since the television? VOTE NOW!

Wonder Woman (30 votes)
The Internet (8 votes)

Someone obviously went recruiting on Wonder Woman's behalf, and while that is perfectly acceptable, it's too bad they didn't do so a little earlier in the competition (we could have had a lot more input over the last year). Regardless, considering the number of regular voters who went with the Innertubes, this would have been a closer race than I had expected, but as it stands, Wonder Woman received nine times the number of votes as her opponent. We'll see how she fairs against Patrick Stewart, and if this recruiting streak holds.

Featured commentary:
The Internet can ruin Wonder Woman's reputation (and possibly has, *couSuperDickerygh*), but it can't actually, y'know, fight. In any way. It just creates various nasty rumours and spawn flame-wars, none of which will have an appreciable effect on real life.

Meanwhile, Wonder Woman wanders from country to country (in her invisible jet) and smashes various key servers. Soon, the Internet is crawling slowly along and most if its sites are gone. And then the average person gets bored and wanders off, and maybe some of the hardcore Usenet folks are around, but not really.

Wonder Woman wins. - ecchs

wonder woman, internet

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