Nov 29, 2007 16:32
Random stuff:
I now have a computer in my room and I am forever grateful to the people of Mville Information Technology. They updated my computer and cleaned out the viruses for free. They even cleaned out 3 years of dust from the tower.
In other news, I got to go home over Thanksgiving for the first time since August, and it was really good. I've always hated Maine, but for some reason, this time I was really excited to go back. It was great to see my family, friends, sleep in my own bed and take flipflopless showers. Plus, I managed to go the entire 5 days without seeing any of the 7 people that I hate in that city. However, it really is much colder there than in New York, but thank goodness for 1980s legwarmers. They truly help you stay warm. It will be good to go back there for winter break, too.
I think I may have narcolepsy. Well, not really, but I fall asleep everywhere. Is this normal? I've fallen asleep twice this week in the desk directly in front of the professor. Yesterday I fell asleep 3 times in a 45-minute study abroad meeting that I was really excited to go to, and dropped the packet I was holding 3 times as well. Embarassing. Anyway, apparently it's more intense to go abroad than I thought-- I have to write a few essays, apply to a couple different programs, make a resumé, fill out a bunch of forms, etc... and then a committee of people decide if you should be allowed to go. The man who spoke at the meeting yesterday is one of the ones on this board, so hopefully he didn't see me passing out during his meeting. I'm keeping my fingers crossed, but if all goes well, I shall be in Paris in just nine months. Whee! Oui.
I like Mville a lot... I've made a bunch of friends and I'm pretty tight with 3 or 4 of them. Two of them are seniors and will soon be graduating, unfortunately, but the other two will be here for a little while more. This school reminds me a lot of Susquehanna, but its redeeming qualities are that it's not as far from home, closer to a major city, and has a grad school. Also, there are no feral cats roaming campus. Actually, that's kind of a negative. That was a sweet kitty.
I no longer have any canine teeth and that kind of freaks me out. I ground them down from years of grinding my teeth at night. I have the most disturbing sleeping habits. I also talk in my sleep and sometimes I say funny things, but other times, I get mad at people and start yelling at them, or I have nightmares and start screaming. Countless times my mom has yelled to me at 3 a.m. to go back to sleep. Now, the same thing is happening with my roommate, except she doesn't tell me to shut up and then tells me weeks later that I yell at her and it freaks her out, even though I honestly don't mean to and can't help it. Creeeepy. Any ideas on how to stop this? I guess I should be thankful I don't sleepwalk. I knew a girl who did that who would get up and change her clothes and then go back to bed without remembering anything.
Okay, well I best get some work done before having fun. And by having fun I mean going to the next town over to buy soap and juiceboxes, which is a 2 hour experience since the buses run mad infrequently.