Dec 09, 2004 06:32
I want to obtain a sledgehammer that is on fire. With this weapon of ultimate ultimacy I will bore a hole through my apartment living room wall. After, I will jab my neighbors in the throat and commence on mashing the shit out of their sound system until I am convinced that noise will never be excreted from its speakers. Then I'll probably steal their food, jab them in throat again for good measure, and leave, but not before I leave them a nice message saying, "Turn your crap down or off. Later." Next, I'll go outside and get in my wrecking ball vehicle that I just happend to buy and slam their motorcycles to Monroe. I only do this because I'm a jerk and really want to make sure that they get the message that I don't like them much. They are of your typical white guy these days: too cool, loud, obnoxious, have no taste, and are inconsiderate. I can be inconsiderate too. True story. They'll make a movie of it someday and it'll own every movie ever made. Yes, even Fight Club (Which isn't great. Not an opinion. It's a fact.) I never thought doing this stuff would put you in prison for six years. Oh well. End.