Jun 18, 2007 20:10
The faint sound of music stirred a napping Rose from her room. She sat up and rubbed her head, wondering what time it was and why the Doctor had to have his music so bloody loud. It didn’t take long for her to pull a dressing gown over the very un-modest lacy nightgown she had slipped on (just to tease him with, of course) and start heading in the direction of the music.
She followed it to the library; of course…he always needs music to read by. With a smile she ruffled her hair to smooth any strands that might still be sticking up from her sleep and slid in, expecting to see the Doctor curled up on the leather couch or at the desk. No one was there except for the phonograph playing Vivaldi’s “Spring” in Largo at a very high volume. For a brief moment Rose wondered if the Doctor was going a bit senile and leaving things on when he left the room and smiled to herself, pulling the needle off the record.
“Meep!” came a surprised and half-annoyed voice from the desk.
Rose blinked and started over slowly, half expecting the Doctor’s long gangly legs to unfold from the chair and for him to glance up sleepily at her. She waited a moment, two, three, but nothing came. And since when did the Doctor meep? After a moment it clicked, it must be his small counterpart at the desk…those little miniature versions of themselves were apt at getting themselves into trouble and this was no different. She grinned and circled behind the chair only to see a small chibi that she didn’t recognize.
“Who the hell are you?” Rose cried out and the chibi turned and tilted his head at her.
Rose mirrored the look and they started at each other for a moment. His long curls hung to the tiny shoulders of a waistcoat and a miniature cravat was tied around his neck. Rose had never seen this one before. They stared for another long moment when Rose realized her eyes weren’t what the little thing was staring at and she promptly wrapped the dressing gown back around herself.
“DOCTOR!” she yelled and the chibi gave a very indignant ‘meep’ before sitting back down behind the book and going back to reading.
The Doctor came in, his shirtsleeves rolled up to the elbows and both his and Rose’s small counterparts rushing in behind him to hide behind his legs. He blinked, caught sight of her wrapped up in the dressing gown and seemingly not much else and smiled cheekily, “what’s all this, eh? Did I win a prize or something?”
Rose pursed her lips and pointed toward the table, “Just who the hell is that?”
The Doctor walked over and picked up the book to reveal a very angry looking chibi. The small curly haired thing pointed at the book and meeped a few times before the Doctor smiled and picked him up, much to the chibi’s dismay.
“This would be me. Well…me a while ago. This was me two me’s ago. The eighth me, if you will.” He held the chibi out to Rose who held out his hand. Rose took it and the chibi!Eighth Doctor kissed it, causing her to giggle.
“He’s so different from…the last two. You and your…other self.” She murmured and took the small Edwardian-esque chibi from the doctor and looked at him.
“Isn’t he? Not quite sure how he got here…probably something weird going on in the transducer room…or…well, I did go to Vogon Eight once when I was still him…took Charley there. That must be it. He must have snuck inside when we went to make that one of you.”
Rose put the small Doctor on the ground next to the other small counterparts. The two chibi!Doctors walked around each other, both holding their chins in a blatant example of concentration. The Doctor and Rose smiled, especially as chibi!Rose cocked her head to one side, just as Rose had done earlier. This ended, however, when the chibi!Eighth Doctor pulled out what looked like a small wand with a red crystal in the end and started to wave it in front of the chibi version of the current Doctor. This earned the little mass of curls to be tackled to the ground by the chibi!Pinstriped Doctor as they wrestled for possession of the little tool. Chibi!Rose giggled a bit and sat down to watch the display, leaning back on her small arms as the two tiny Doctors wrestled around on the hard wood floor.
“What is that thing?” Rose asked, looking to the larger version of the chibi!Doctor who currently had the other one in a stranglehold.
“My old sonic screwdriver! I updated it just before I met you…no wonder the little wanker wants it…I keep tellin’ him he can’t have mine.”
*super-cute-wide-eyed-Ten-face* And if anyone would like to draw scenes from this I would totally give you internet cookies...and pie. Pie is always good.