Title: Left behind (Trouble - 2nd of 3 parts)
Author: stolehispurse
Fandom: Whooligan Chibi DW-verse and Casanova (BBC 2005)-verse
Word count: 1380-ish
Characters: Henriette and her two children. Chibi Hen and Chibi Giac. Grimani (this part. More characters will appear in the final part)
Author's note: OK. I own neither the DW characters, nor the Casanova ones. Nor the chibies.
The first part of the story:
(Sketch by
I'm not sure if this part is fluff enough, too sleepy to judge (please forgive my grammar too), but here it is.
(OH! and I totally should have credited
misssara11 for the chibi-cast-and-story framework. *facepalms* Sorry, sorry! *puppy-eyes*)
Anyway. (
Part 2 - Trouble - behind this fake cut. )