Jul 02, 2019 16:27
I deleted all other social media and yet I need an outlet so here I am. Newly diagnosed with Complex PTSD, Agoraphobia, High Anxiety and Major Depressive Disorder -with my already diagnosed ailments of Fibro, Rheumatoid and blah, blah, blah. I have wanted to die way more than I have wanted to live these last few years I will tell you that. My husband is a good man, well intended but my core needs definitely are not being met. But I have to wonder with me being so fucked up on every level, can they ever be met? I have been off of work since March with no sight of return yet, due to be back in clinic on July 14 -yet they posted my job today. Thanks Indeed for that update. Fuck, fuck, FUCK. I am just so miserable these days -it is just as good that it is posted that job was and is toxic as all hell. I don't want to manage anymore. Got a job offer but it is an 11.00 pay cut and that will hurt but fuck me I can't do it anymore. I just don't have it in me. I really don't. I think I will just shut up now -I have homework because I am masochistic and started my Master's program. FUCK MY LIFE