Apr 16, 2005 02:44
Hey yall....everything is going good with me...church...school....work...life...everything....you know as a person that helps out people alot i now realize that someone can go to far or just realize that they can't help...look i tried to help someone out and they shoved it back in my face...and then they apoligized...you know helping someone out is one of the best feelings in the world....knowing that you made a difference in someone elses life.....you see when people say they do not want you to help you....most of the time they do...esp. your friends.....and sometimes when people say that everyone back off..don't back yourself into a corner...you can't do everything on your own..i have been there before..depression is one of the worst emotional downfalls of all the world today....parents abusing children...children imitating what they see on t.v...children dealing drugs..this world is a sinful place...you need god to get you out of sin...therefore i see only one way to live..thats gods way...now some people may think that's a little stupid....you should live your way...but what i see is since when do people know theirselves....god created you....he knows your strengths...weaknesses....and everything in between...what is better?....having someone know you better than you know your self....trying to get to know yourslef by livings in a sinful world...now knowingwhat you can and cannot do???? i think i would rather live where father knows best kind of thing..but....i am not saying that you have to be perfect...people make mistakes....thats how we live...thats how we learn...so learn from them....i have made tons over my life...and still a long time to go.....you see what people don't realize is that anyone has the power to do anything.....if you do not use mch effprot then you obvisously need someone...and god is that one and only person....well i am about to fall asleep in this chair typing to yall....so i will talk to yall later!