
May 23, 2015 00:53

I've been thinking of you recently. Mostly because the anniversary (and sorry for using that word) of the night we met is near. I'm also reminded of Blues on the Green every morning when I drive to work, and two weekends ago I was on a bus tour of Austin with my mom and the guide mentioned Luchenbach. Oh yeah, and whenever we gat that gulf inspired breeze in Austin I'm reminded of our time at the beach house. The sad thing is I'll never forget that time with you. And its sad because I'll always wish things could have been different.

After all this time, I wonder why I still miss you. I should be over it by now. Really, I should be mad at you. What you did is not kind or normal. And that way you did it, over the phone, seemingly without empathy (at least from my perspective). I haven't seen you in almost nine months, but it feels like only yesterday we were sleeping in each others arms. I'm still trying to understand why you gave that up. What we had Kristen was more than just a summer fling. We had something special, not perfect, but special. And I know deep down you know that. I'll just never understand why you would give that up.

The sad part is, while we were together (and it wasn't even that much time), I took it all for granted. I was so blinded by my happiness that I forget to tell you how happy you made me. How attracted I was to your intelligence. How much fun it was to be around you. You made me feel more alive than I have ever felt. You mad me feel like everything was going to be okay. Like the world was an okay place. It was the best time of my life. I just don't know how I'll ever find that again. My mom always told me that life isn't fair, and unfortunately she was right.

All my favorite memories of Texas are with you.
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