Blaahhh life has been fun.
So I went down to the city sunday and met up with JTox.
We went and stole a bunch of Fred Perry shit for Two Tone to sell.
Then headed up to the Knitting Factory.
Got a couple of beers and met up with Noodle.
We went to beer alley and I saw EVERYONE!
Mary, Lisa Tots, Tofu, Dahmer, Jon Z, Jo-Jo, Ricky, Cat Piss, Steevie, KayC, Dahmer's new stupid girlfriend who I don't like on principle [i need to stop being such a bitchy girl] Jerry and his dumb gf, among a million other people.
We sat and drank a whole bunch and ran around the alley.
Then fuckin Darren got wasted and started shit with JoJo, so they started fighting.
It went into the street and JoJo swung from the scaffolding bars and kicked Darren right in the face, IT WAS BRILLS!
JTox was being all adultish and broke it up.
We ended up not going in for a long time cause the first few bands were shitty.
We got more beer and wandered around miscellaneous alleys and tried to out run the cops.
Then as we were about to go into the show we found Ricky passed out in a doorway.
So sat with him for awhile and then the EMS showed up to make sure he was okay.
We dragged him to the other side of the street and me JoJo AJ and Jon Z stayed with him.
Ricky was being such a little swot.
He kept touching me and kissing my leg trying to get me to sleep with him.
It was frustrating, but i knew he didnt mean it.
Mouth Sewn Shut was about to go on and then the Restarts, and I couldnt leave Ricky alone.
So I sold my ticket to Jerry for 5$ and a favor to come at a later date.
I went to go use the 5$ for some food and water for Ricky and when I came back... RICKY HAD GONE INTO THE SHOW!!!!!!!
I was so fucking pissed.
Me and Jon Z didnt have any money to get in, so we went to Beer Alley and hopped the fence- which fucking DESTROYED ME. My legs were so cut up and i have never jumped a fence that high before.
We smoked some pot then ran around in the building they were doing construction on.
It was real ooky and sweet. I was pissed I didnt bring my camera.
We hopped the fence again, which was real bad for me, cause i had to hop from the fence into a mini dumpster.
I was terrified, and i got such a bad bruise on my leg.
Jon Z was so sweet and patient with me, what a guy :P
We went back to the show to meet up with everyone.
Darren lost everyones tickets, which sucked, and he kept getting into fights with squatter kids.
It was ridiculous.
I said bye to everyone, then me and JTox hopped on the train and went back to my sisters apartment where we tried to order chinese food for like an hour- but apparently after midnight no one speaks english.
We got pizza and I walked him to the subway, then went home and crashed.
Monday I went to Bklyn to set up my classes.
Came home, slept, woke up, hung out with Anna and Noah.
Went back to the appartment watched basic cable and fell asleep.
Tuesday I woke up got dressed and met up with JoJo near Tompkins.
Got some Squatters to buy us some beer and went to the park and met up with Greg/REVO.
Laid in a big Squatter puddle in the park.
Drank beer, gave tattoos, made friends, and beat the shit out of some whiney punk kid.
Then me and JoJo went back the apartment so I could asses his dog bite wounds and wash the ink off my foot.
Came back to the park finished Lindseys LOKI tattoo.
Played with the puppies, and drank some more.
Obnoxious Gay Kevin showed up out of no where and dragged us to the church yard.
Where we met up with Tofu Holton and some other kids I didnt know.
Then Obnoxious Gay Kevin, dragged us around to the opening of some Gay Hair Salon, which was ridiculous.
We showed up like 6 dirty squatters, one skin head, and two glam punks to this fucking ridiculous queer fest.
After drinking a lot of free booze, and after JoJo had puked a few times into the garbage, we went outside so i could take my boots off and air my tattoo.
We got yelled at by some fucking asshole queer-os.
So JoJo and I made fun of them for a bit.
Then wandered back to St.Marks.
Said bye to the kids and went to the appartment where I promptly ate a fudgesicle and passed out.
And now I'm home.
Nursing my bruises and scrapes.
How was your weekend?