Ficathon Entry : Achievements, Targets and Comments

Mar 06, 2010 12:17

Title : Achievements, Targets and Comments
Author : boro-girl
Rating : all ages
Warnings : none
Spoilers : veiled references to a number of SJA episodes. If you know the episodes, you'll know them!
Summary : the teachers get their say
Words : 1087
Betas / cheerleading squad : forensic_angel & spydurwebb

Notes : I think I came at the prompt from a very different direction to what might have been expected! In my defence, I have just written twenty of these for one of my classes, and therefore that's where my head seems to be at right now... Hope you enjoy all the same!


Rani's writing shows a confidence and imagination that should be encouraged. She has a flair for imagining the fantastic : I was very impressed with her recent original writing about a haunted house! Her descriptions and sentence structure are always full of flair and she is not afraid to try new things and take risks. Her reading skills have developed in recent years; she is now capable of extracting information and making interpretations based on evidence presented to her, showing a remarkable capability for working out solutions and twists in stories.

Clyde needs to focus more on his writing skills - this is English, Clyde, not art! His creativity and imagination are excellent, but he has to make sure that his stories remain realistic. His illustration of what work he has completed is excellent, but I would like to see him pay more attention to what he needs to do in order to achieve the grades he is capable of. Clyde is confident in his verbal work, and he needs to put the same dedication into his written work.

Luke's work is consistently of a high standard, and his presentation is always a sign of his perfectionist nature. He struggles sometimes with the creative aspect of English but this has been developing in recent years. I have rarely met a student who is eager to understand the history and construct of the language, and his technical accuracy is amazing. I would like to see him let go of the rules occasionally and realise that it's OK to take risks!


Clyde must try harder. He does not have a super computer to give him the answers : he has to put some effort in himself!


Luke's understanding of biology is amazing. During the recent heart dissection he was able to confidently identify minute aspects of the physiology and relate it to the circulatory system. His technical knowledge and understanding in both physics and chemistry is detailed and as a result he is often taking a leading role in discussions; his presentation on matter transporters was detailed and engaging.

I am often unsure whether Clyde is joking or he fails to grasp basic biology. Normal humans do not have two hearts!


Clyde has an obvious talent, and he has produced some amazing pieces of work. His work has taken a turn towards the fantastical, and this theme is providing his work with a structure and consistency that was previously lacking. His coursework has been completed to a high standard and if we can work on his exam skills then he will leave with a GCSE grade that he can be very proud of.

Luke struggles to be creative in art, and this is something that he can take personally at times. He has been supported by his classmates and this has helped somewhat, but I feel that because he does well in other areas he feels that his struggles constitute failure. Luke shows an incredible eye for technical detail, and his knowledge of art history is excellent. His imagination shows that he is capable of creating some amazing creatures so I am confident that he will get there!


Rani's recent report on "Life in rural communities during the 1950s" was so detailed that you could almost believe that she had experienced the period for herself!


Clyde has a fondness for making up place names. Last time I checked, Gallifrey was not a real place.


Luke shows an aptitude for programming, although he needs to focus on the task in hand instead of discussing nanobots.

Clyde needs to remember that he is in school, not MI5. We do not have 'supercomputers' and we are not here to teach him how to hack into any system. It may be worth checking his computer access outside of school.


Rani shows a natural talent for relating to and supporting other people. She shows great empathy and always strives to help others. Her team work skills are highly developed and her maturity means that she is confident in dealing with discussions on important and serious issues. She was able to lead the group talk on the issues of slavery with great empathy and understanding, considering the feelings and options of the slaves. It was refreshing to see someone understand that those who were oppressed felt like they had no way out of their situation.

Clyde. Please stop joking in class. There is a time and a place.

Luke has overcome his initial shyness and is now contributing well to the class. I was especially pleased that he felt confident enough to discuss his personal situation regarding his adoption when we were completing the topic on Family Units. He has gotten defensive in the past when asked about his childhood, but this has ceased to be an issue recently. He has settled in well and it is great to see him 'coming out of his shell' as it were. I suspect that this has to do, in part, with his in-school friendships. I am aware of the concerns of other members of staff, but I have only seen the positives in helping this shy young man develop his social skills.


In the recent group activity, Rani, Luke and Clyde have shown a marked increase in their fitness levels.

Head teacher's comments

Luke Smith is a fine young man, who is setting a good example for younger students. I would like to see him take more responsibility within school; maybe a position on the school council? This report highlights a number of positive contributions he has made to the school, and I look forward to seeing him achieve the successes he richly deserves.

Clyde Langer has made a number of improvements in recent months, but this report indicates that there is still a way to go in terms of his behaviour and attitude. I would like to see a reduction the number of inappropriate jokes and comments that he feels the need to make on occasion. Jokes will not help you in any situation, Clyde, and you need to start showing a level of responsibility and maturity that reflects the person that you can be. There are some positives in this report which is good to see, but he still has a way to go. Employers are looking for someone who is mature and responsible, who is capable of making decisions and following them through.

This report is nothing less than I expect for Rani Chandra. Well done.


Notes : for the non-Brits out there...

ICT : formally known as IT
PHSE : Personal, Health and Sexual Education. Think discussions on relationships, Sex Ed, drugs, mental illnesses, careers... It's part of the compulsory curriculum for 11-16yo. We have to teach them to be responsible adults!

!ficathon, fandom: sarah jane adventures, character: original, !fanfic

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