Wednesday 4th and Thursday 5th April BUMPER EDITION

Apr 05, 2012 22:11

Do you have a Doctor Who community or a journal that we are not currently linking to? Leave a note in the comments and we'll add you to the who_daily reading list.

EDITOR'S NOTE: Because of the high posting volume and the quantity of information linked in each newsletter, who_daily will no longer link fanfiction that doesn't have a header. For an example of what a "good" fanfic header is, see the user info. Please note, the fic must have the header with the fic, not just in the link post, in order to be added to the newsletter. Thank you.

Off LJ News
The Official Site has Kid's Colouring In packs
Doctor Who Adventures Issue 263 is out
The official site has an article rather skeevily entitled 'Make a Date with The Doctor's Daughter' about how they're showing that episode on BBC3 on Saturday
Geeks of Doom link to a TeeFury Doctor Who/Back to the Future t-shirt
SFX have an update to their Series 7 News Accumulator
The Independent have an interview with Matt Smith
WalesOnline have the top news story that Matt Smith and Karen Gillan were Very Cold while filming
Montgomery Advertiser reviews series 6
Bleeding Cool News has the new companion audition script/links to the cover of Doctor who Magazine
Airlock Alpha have the news that the new companion will debut at Christmas
The Official site marvel at the fact that Eleven has been on our screens for two years
TARDIS SCanner have 'On this Day April 5th
The Doctor Who News page announces the new Doctor Who Magazine (really not sure about the headline 'Welcome Aboard', which seems to be an instruction from new-companion to board her...)
Vibrant Oxymoron has an article about the evolution of the Classic Cyberman
Shadlocked has an article about 'the Doc's greatest foes - soaps and talent shows'
io9 has '10 Times the Doctor acted like a Total B*****
Big Finish has issue 38 of 'Vortex'
The Doctor Who News page has news that the re-discovered episodes are to be shown in Cardif
The Press Association has news of David Tennant's new TV spy drama
The Sun breaks the news that sometimes Karen Gillan goes out WITHOUT make-up and absent-mindedly makes a link between this shock-horror event and her imminent replacement by 'Emmerdale beauty JLC'
snhbuk uploaded a Harry Hill Doctor Who sketch (youtube)
First episode of VIDEO Free Skaro
The Doctor Who Podcast has episdoe 135: report fro the official convention
The Pharos Project has episode 94: The Plunger Game
Bigger on the Inside has episode 87 - reviewing Seven's last series has a Doctor who 1963-2013 t-shirt
RIPT Apparel has Skaro Exterminators t-shirts
Big Finish have uploaded the cover for lost story 'The Masters of Luxor'
Siskoid's Blog of Geekery reviews 'Tenth Planet' part 2
TARDIS Eruditorum has In The Great Days of Rassilon, Five Great Principles Were Laid Down (The Five Doctors)
Doctor Who UK Webzie has 'A Great Tenth Doctor Tee! article has 'The Dalek Relaxation Tape'
TARDIS Scanner has videos of McGann and Daphne Ashbrook at I-CON 31
TARDIS Scanner has 'On this day Wednesday 4th
John Barrowman's UK tour is going to Scarborough, Glasgow and Blackpool (say Broadway World)
Doctor Who UK Webzine has news of a monster returning for series 7
Den of Geek ponder the ultimate question: Should there be a female Doctor?
Doctor Who News has a People Roundup

(news via blogtorwho, googledw, tardisscanner, dr_who_news, og_news, among others.)

Discussion and Miscellany
milady_vilya has a fuzzy picture of a new Amy costume
owlsie has a copy of the new-companion auditioon piece and some set pictures
dougalbug has some on-set pictures and video
tvguy123 has found Rory's 'Impossible Astronaut' shorts
averita has some Sarah Jane and Maria moments from the SJA novels
lissibith is looking for help with a Femme!Five costume
sarah531 has racebending re-castings of all major New Who characters
aietradaea has made an epic Doctor/Master pairings table
lorelaisquared links to the series 5/6 RPG game vid
alimoseby links to 'A Friend Named Donna Noble' fanart on Tumblr
orange_poptart is looking for help with a Doctor Who birthday cake
wshaffer has a review of Big Finish Companion Chronicle 'Kiss of Death'
kilodalton opens discussion about Eight and the Time War
laurab1 is looking for some help with Vastra/Jenny swords
henriettastreet has a readalong of EDA 'Interference Part 2

Communities & Challenges
dw_stillness has a reminder to enter Challenge 61

Fan Fiction

To the Rescue by betawho [Six, Peri | PG]
Time and Figurative Last Meals through Space by missvmarigold [Eight/Suzie Costello | R]
Ligers and Wolphines by easytheretyger [Eleven/River | R]
The Fertility Game by nostalgia_lj [Ten/Donna | PG-13]
Until We Meet Again by haveloved [Eleven, Jack, Rose | PG-13]
Don't let go by someplacetobe [Eleven, Amy | PG]
For Worse by keep_counting [Eleven, River | PG-13]

Works in Progress
The Canton Chronicles (23/?) by iolo1234 [Canton/Jet, Jet/Velma | PG-13]
See Ye Not That Bonny Road (3/6) and (4/6) by lyricwrites [Jamie, Eight | PG-13]
Harmony (1-7/15) by bunnyinnatardis [Ten II, Elevem, Rory, Amy, Rose, others | PG]
Goodbye Mr Smith (5-6/?) by bas_math_girl [John Smith/Donna, Sylvia, Martha, OCs | PG-13]
Shadows at Midnight (7/8) by well_widget [Ten, Donna | PG]

The Wolf and the Mockingjay, Part 1 (3/?) and (4/?) by honorh [Rose, Martha, Nine, Donna, Jack, Jackie, Mickey, River, and many others | PG-13]

Icons and Graphics
scifiangel has a Ten/Jack manip

Fanart and Creative Endeavors
markquested has some unique Doctor Who inspired props
lore__0 has paintings of Eleven and the TARDIS
tvguy123 has some Rory cosplay

harold_sexon has a trailer for their upcoming fic 'This Reflection of me' (Ten, Simm!Master, Cumberbatch!Master, Donna)
vintageamber has a Doctor/Rose vid to the soundtrack from 'Never Let Me Go'

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