What is this and why is it so funny?

Apr 05, 2012 12:03

OMG! Guys, seriously, this is the funniest thing I've seen on the internet in ages. develish1 posted it on her lj and since clicking through I've watched it like 5 times already and I've got tears in my eyes from laughing so hard.

So basically, everyone should go watch this. It's a parody of Season 5/6 of DW as a 90's RPG game. SO funny. Even if you didn't like S5/6 you'll probably like this.

image Click to view

[Post Viewing Thoughts]

So aside from the hilarity of condensing S5/6 plots down into the basics, things I liked about this:

- The music: I love how the person who made it took Murray Gold's sound tracks and tweaked them just enough to make them sound tinny and exactly as they should for that style of RPG

- The graphics: I'm awed at how well they captured the style of those sorts of RPG games and then created DW characters to plunk into it. HOW ADORABLE WAS CENTURIAN RORY??? Also LOL at the baby that looked like a loaf of bread.

- Also, pretty impressed by that interior TARDIS graphic at the beginning, NGL.

- I loved all the little options you had for making choices. SO funny. Especially the wedding one where it zips through and they dance. I'd love a gif of their dancing. So cute and funny.

- Love the overlay of things like "wibbly wobbly timey whimey" like that just explains everything away. *snort*

- HAHAHAHA at the massive question mark at the end. You know I'd completely forgotten about that element of the finale? Now I am reminded and my response is still to laugh hysterically. Probably not a good sign?

Also, FYI I've finally joined tumblr. I'm THElorelaisquared if you want to find me there. Still figuring out how to use it and all but I'm there.

lol, doctor who

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