Apr 05, 2012 19:29

From ladyfoxxx:

We've all done it. That fic that you've read eleventy billion times and never actually commented on. Or maybe you only read it once but it was so good - SO fucking good that you just didn't know how to EXPRESS how good it was so you never actually commented, or you read it on your e-reader and never went back to comment, or you went back to comment and wound up re-reading it and STILL didn't comment, or it's been around forever and you kind of let yourself off the hook without commenting because there were ALREADY so many comments, surely the writer knows it's awesome, right?

Consider this meme a confessional. WHAT FICS ARE THEY?

Speak freely, nothing will get held against you. This doesn't mean you have to go leave comments NOW, like, unless you WANT TO, that's not the point. The point is, CONFESS.

[The fics I never commented on and I SHOULD HAVE]

The fics I never commented on and I SHOULD HAVE:

Matchmaker, Matchmaker by Vash137 (BBC Sherlock, John/Sherlock)
I only discovered this fic a few weeks ago but already I've read it through 3 times. It's a delightfully funny and sweet fic in which Sherlock decides to set John up on dates because he wants him to be happy and they all go terribly awry - with hysterical results. It ultimately ends with a happy ending and this story just makes me smile.

Performance in a Leading Role by Mad_Lori (BBC Sherlock, John/Sherlock)

I left kudos on this but I don't think I actually left a comment which is shameful because this fic sent me on a big AU reading binge in which I'm still on. It's a long AU in which John and Sherlock are A-list actors working in Hollywood and they get cast in a film together and fall in love. It's really well written and engaging and was the kind of story that once I started reading, I could not put it down. The characterizations were lovely, the story moved quickly and I was eager to know what was going to happen next. It's also a story that tackles some big issues (like coming out controversially in a place like Hollywood) and handles them well.

The Blog of Eugenia Watson by Mad_Lori (BBC Sherlock, John/Sherlock)

This is such a lovely and unique story and it's a shame I didn't comment on it either because I loved it. It basically features and John and Sherlock who've been married for years and are now living next door to John's ex-wife and his 16 year old daughter. The whole story is told in blog format by John's daughter - Eugenia Watson and the story is funny, heartwarming and suspenseful. Definitely one I intend to reread.

A Winning Strategy by Jo March and Ryo Sen (West Wing, Josh/Donna)

Sadly, when I went looking for the link to this, I discovered that the site holding it seems to be gone now. Which, considering I only read it like 2 months ago is quite tragic. Really wishing I'd saved it to my computer now because it was a masterfully written series in which Donna and Josh confess their feelings to each other after Roselyn and they decide to get married to try and avoid the potential "Boss sleeping with his secretary" scandal. It's very angsty and dramatic and thing get really messy from a legal stand point but in there's a happy ending and it's an extremely good read. If I can ever track it down again I will link it.

Holy Tears by Mary (Scarecrow and Mrs. King, Amanda/Lee)

Again I don't have a link to this and I can't remember where I originally got it from (this is the problem with older fandoms I suppose) but I've got a mobi file of it if anyone is interested. This is a long and very angsty fic in which everyone thinks Amanda is dead, but she turns up with amnesia and Lee's daughter 5 years after her "death". It's an incredibly touching story, but definitely hard to read in places. Very well written.

Gosh I'm sure I'm missing some. I'm trying to think of some Doctor Who or Gilmore Girl fics I love but I think I've commented on them all. It's only more recently, since I've been reading more on AO3 that I've gotten a bit lazier about commenting. Still at some point I should do a proper rec post because there are some DELIGHTFUL and WONDERFUL fics I've read that should really be shared with the rest of the universe.


sherlock, fandom, west wing, smk, fic recs, meme

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