dw fic: "Someday, We Kiss" (Ten/Rose, G)

Feb 20, 2013 12:17

title: Someday, We Kiss


words: 2750

spoilers: none

rating: G

Pairing: Ten/Rose
disclaimer:  I do not own these characters, and am not making any money on this transformative creative work.

Summary:  Glimpses into his own future free the Doctor to take risks - but his future with Rose is too important  to risk. Introspection while Ten and Rose take a mini-break on a volcanically active planet.

( Read the story at my LJ )

For the Who @ 50 Fanworkathon, stories about Ten.
Also for the prompt of Ten and Rose in a fallout shelter for the Sisterhood of Guh 2013 Valentine's Day Ficathon.

Author's note:   Part of the fun of Who@50 is trying to portray what makes the Doctor unique in each of his regenerations.  Points I wanted to touch on here are Ten's uniqueness compared to other Time Lords, yet the way he dwells on and misses their society; the underlying complex of angst and hope in his character; his desire to show off for Rose in risky ways; and the certainty that he loved her but for some reason wouldn't act on it.   Please let me know what you think of this effort!

tenth doctor, fan fiction, 50th anniversary fanwork-a-thon-a-thon

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