Fourth Doctor Era Recs Post

Nov 07, 2016 18:54

Belated, but finally here: my entry for the Fourth Doctor in the 53rd anniversary fanwork-a-thon.

All my previous recs posts for this comm have been only tasters for each era rather than comprehensive lists of the good stuff (however long they may have grown!) but I'm aware that this is even more true here. Limited as it is, it rapidly became epic, so please forgive my many obvious omissions and add your favourites in the comments.

I hope, however, that this post will still serve as a handy starting point for fanworks about Four and his friends, whether you're a long time lover or just keen to be introduced.

Meet-ups between characters from different eras are not only fun when done well, but they can be a good way to introduce yourself to a less familiar Doctor or companion via your favourite characters.

Z-67 by llywela13 (All ages, 1206 words. Twelfth Doctor, Clara Oswald, Osgood.) Missing scene from The Zygon Inversion. Not technically multi-era in the usual way, but perfect fix of a Four-related canon niggle is perfect.

Brighton in February by Van Donovan (All ages, 847 words. Martha Jones, Fourth Doctor. Martha learns she can be anything. Fun, sweet ficlet in which the young Martha runs into Four on a cold day in Brighton.

They Taste Better on Tuesdays by a_phoenixdragon (All ages, 1442 words. Fourth Doctor, Jack Harkness.) Astounding. The man seemed to be familiar with him, but funnily enough, he couldn’t place the intruder at all. And he was very good with faces. It was something he prided himself on - after all, he’d had a few himself. Lovely, fun fic with Four encountering Captain Jack.

Between a Rock and a Hard Place by Meddow (G, 999 words. Kelsey Hooper, Fourth Doctor.) Despite her best efforts, Kelsey encounters another alien. Fun SJA ficlet in which Kelsey runs into yet another strange alien hanging around Sarah Jane's place.

Children of the Revolution by raven (All ages, 1790 words.) In which Rose gets a fright, the Doctor meets a familiar curly-headed lunatic and Jack accidentally gets married. The Fourth Doctor runs into the wrong TARDIS and makes things just that bit better. Lovely.

Still Life by Bad_Dickens (All ages, 1899 words. Sarah Jane Smith, Eighth Doctor.) Sarah Jane Smith investigates the closing of the Big Pit in Ashington in 1981. Thoughtful case fic.

Fanworks that give a taste of the era - tributes, missing scenes, team TARDIS interactions, and unseen adventures.

the Fourth Doctor era || everybody loves me by lady disaster (Fourth Doctor Tribute, 3.32 mins.) My tribute to the Fourth Doctor, which was portrayed by Tom Baker (and everybody loves him!) Great tribute to the whole era, with some neat bits of timing, energy and motion.

Le quattro stagioni (The Four Seasons) by eponymous_rose (All ages, 2260 words. Fourth Doctor, Sarah Jane Smith, Harry Sullivan, Romana II, K9.) Four seasons with the Doctor, with the TARDIS, and with the impossible. Gorgeously written look at the various eras of the Fourth Doctor's life.

Someday, TARDIS team (Doctor Who - 4th, Harry, Sarah) by Tar-ara Istandil (Four, Sarah & Harry team tribute, 3.39 mins.) I've used a romantic song but not for romantic purposes :). It's mainly about my favorite team of the fourth Doctor, Harry Sullivan and Sarah Jane Smith and how they are dealing with threats. And there are also Brigadier and Benton, great characters as well. Great little introduction to the era.

Changing Times by settiai (All ages, 825 words. Fourth Doctor, Harry Sullivan, Sarah Jane Smith.) He wondered when this life had become normal to him. Delightful vignette of Sarah, Four, and Harry.

The Long Way Down by llywela13 (All ages, 46901 words. Fourth Doctor, Sarah Jane Smith, Harry Sullivan.) nother false landing by the TARDIS sees the Doctor, Sarah and Harry stranded and separated on a strange, hostile world - can they find their way back to the TARDIS and each other to make good their escape? Missing adventure style fic for the team.

Votes For Women by paranoidangel42 (All ages, 2322 words. Fourth Doctor, Sarah Jane Smith, Harry Sullivan.) Sarah Jane Smith would joke that a suffragette rally was Harry Sullivan's worst nightmare, but this one has more than even they bargained for. Fun fic in which aliens think Harry is a hero.

Long Leggity Beasty by singeaddams (Teen, 4804 words. Fourth Doctor, Sarah Jane Smith, Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart, Harry Sullivan, Romana II, Drax.) A Halloween story! This is set the October after the Doctor abruptly and mysteriously leaves Sarah Jane. His return leaves her feeling somewhat drained. (Yes, vampire AU.) Wonderfully dark, funny and creepy AU.

Maybe It's Just North Dakota by MinervaFan (All ages, 509 words. Fourth Doctor, Sarah Jane Smith.) On what once was Earth, Sarah and Four spend a quiet moment together contemplating the sunset. Beautiful, wistful piece.

Dessert First by Evening_Bat (G, 2345 words. Fourth Doctor, Sarah Jane Smith.) It all started with Jelly Babies. Sweet *cough* missing adventure for Four & Sarah.

Wings in the Night by settiai (All ages, 23,414 words. Fourth Doctor, Sarah Jane Smith.) When the Doctor is poisoned by an alien creature, it's up to Sarah Jane to find a way to save him before it's too late. What it says. Excellent.

Doctor Who and the Delian Mode by hangingfire (All ages, 2492 words. Fourth Doctor, Sarah Jane Smith.) The Fourth Doctor, Sarah Jane Smith, and a music festival. And a mystery, of course. Great little missing adventure.

The Something-Or-Other of Doom by Magnus Greel (All ages, 526 words. Fourth Doctor, Leela.) The Doctor and Leela chat with a thingy. Great humorous snippet.

The Eloquence of Angels by Palgrave (All ages, 2908 words. Fourth Doctor, Leela, K9.) The Doctor wouldn't normally have a conversation with a statue -- but then, he's never met one that moves before. Brilliant fic, with Four encountering some Weeping Angels.

Doctor Who and the First Philosopher by dracsmith (G, 6375 words. Fourth Doctor, Leela.) The Doctor and Leela meet Thales of Miletus while trying to stop evil aliens who are meddling in Earth's history. Great pseudo-historical missing adventure.

A Little Respect by nostalgia (All ages, 883 words. Fourth Doctor, Leela.) Fun, if you like that sort of thing. Much fun, as it says - Leela and Four, being so very much themselves.

On a Ridge by liadtbunny (All ages, 209 words. Fourth Doctor, Romana I.) The Doctor has a question. Pitch perfect snippet of the two of them.

The Mind of Death by astrogirl2 (All ages/PG, 8945 words. Fourth Doctor, Romana I, K9, The Master.) The Fourth Doctor and Romana I meet the Master, who is up to his usual tricks. Brilliant missing adventure, perfectly in character & clever refs to canon.

The Good, the Bad, and the Hovercrafts by eponymous_rose (All ages, 1814 words. Fourth Doctor, Romana I, K9.) In which various alien entities get held off at the pass, the Doctor and Romana take up jogging, and K-9, to everyone's horror, tells a joke. Lovely fun.

Fidget by john_amend_all (All ages, 678 words. Fourth Doctor, Romana II.) Lie back, relax, and let the monster come to you. Great bit of banter.

A Dull Day in August by raven (All ages, 1264 words. Fourth Doctor, Romana II.) The Doctor and Romana on a grey day at the seaside. Relaxed, cute and funny, with too many good lines to mention.

Hearts and Flowers by jjpor (All ages, 1014 words. Fourth Doctor, Romana II, K9.) Love triangles can be a terrible thing, especially when one of the corners is a tin dog. Romana, Four & K9 doing Valentine's Day their own special way. Great.

Stones by honeynoir (G, 525 words. Fourth Doctor/Romana II.) There are stones as soft as pillows, the Doctor claims. Short and sweet.

Alien Abduction by jjpor (Teen, 43,269 words. Fourth Doctor, Romana II, K9.) UFOs! Men in Black! Psychedelic Hippies! Tentacle-Beasts from Dimension X! New Mexico, 1968: Evil lurks beneath the Diablo Mesa as the Doctor and Romana take on the might of the Military-Industrial Complex; the Military-Industrial Complex probably ought to be very scared. Excellent longfic.

Alias Smith and Smith by The Happy Potato (All ages, 670 words. Fourth Doctor, Romana II.) The Doctor and Romana, stuck in 1969. Wonderful fun.

Tom Baker Tribute - Time Flies by Alice Markley (Fourth Doctor tribute, 2.57 mins.) This is my tribute to my favorite Doctor of Doctor Who; Tom Baker. Seven years wasn't long enough. Light, loving tribute to Four.

La Vie Boheme by Doctor Tam (All ages, 2075 words.) A non-linear character study: "He composes a symphony for accordion and dog whistle, goes pike fishing in the Thames, and gets a sunburn on his nose. After all, the universe isn’t his responsibility." The Fourth Doctor's life in brilliant snapshots.

The Hitchhiker's Guide to Getting Laid on Gallifrey by LizBee (All ages, 1293 words. Fourth Doctor/Romana I, K9, Amelia Rumford.) The Gallifreyan Karma Sutra is a very short book. Splendid.

Ramona and the Blue Box by primsong (All ages, 8837 words. Romana, Fourth Doctor, K9, Ramona.) The Doctor finds himself in for an interesting afternoon when he and Romana land on Klickitat Street. Or was it Ramona? Crossover with the classic Beverly Cleary series. What it says. Lovely straight-up cross with a children's lit favourite.

The Prisoner by SilvaGirl (All ages, 3138 words. Fourth Doctor, Regulus Black.) They find a very interesting prisoner downstairs. Crossover with Harry Potter. Really interesting use of a crossover.

Gone Fishing by aralias (All ages, 2053 words. Fourth Doctor, Kerr Avon, Roj Blake, Jenna Stannis.) Blake's 7 crossover/AU. During 'Space Fall', Blake, Avon and Jenna wind up on a different advanced alien spaceship. Not only a fun crossover, but a look at what a difference the Doctor makes to the universe.

All I Ask by john_amend_all (All ages, 1589 words. Fourth Doctor, Romana II, Blackadder, Baldrick, Captain Rum.) Admiral Blackadder is presented with a dilemma. Very funny.

Interlude in Cafe Space by annariel (G, 665 words. Romana, K9, Sapphire, Steel.) A Fixit for the final Sapphire and Steel episode. What it says, and very nicely done, with Romana being awesome.

Apocalypse: The Bird in the Box by calapine (All ages/PG, 3276 words. Harry Sullivan, Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart, Liz Shaw, Sergeant Benton, Rupert Giles.) This isn't living, it's existing. Dark AU crossover with Buffy

Sarah Jane Smith
She Was Always by primsong (All ages, 144 words. Sarah Jane Smith.) The Doctor does not often lend himself to poetry, but then, there isn't often someone quite this special. Brief, gorgeous poem about Sarah.

Suddenly Sarah by dbskyler (Doctor/Sarah, 3.19 mins.) Simultaneously a light-hearted and bittersweet look at the Sarah & Doctor relationship, and Sarah's influence over him.

Skirmish by john_amend_all (All ages, 3488 words. Sarah Jane Smith.)
Sarah Jane Smith briefly takes a hand in the Time War. From a dw_straybunnies prompt: Some of Sarah's solo investigations pre SJA. Sarah saves the world, 'nuff said.

Possession by Phyllis4jean (All ages/PG, 4996 words. Sarah Jane Smith/Queen Spider, Sergeant Benton, Third Doctor.) Sarah isn't used to feeling alone. Or rather, she isn't used to noticing it. Excellent exploration of Sarah and her penchant for being possessed.

To The Rescue! by dbskyler (All ages, 1381 words. Sarah Jane Smith, Jack Harkness, K9, Harry Sullivan, Romana II.) Sarah Jane is in Aberdeen! Help is on the way. There were a whole spate of Aberdeen fics post School Reunion. This has to be the funniest: who says Sarah needs rescuing?

The Unexpected Hazards of Motherhood by MinervaFan (All ages, 1671 words. Sarah Jane Smith, Aunt Lavinia.) Lavinia Smith. Sarah Jane Smith. Two different women, two different worlds. Same empty nest. Lovely, thoughtful piece about Sarah & her aunt.

Rosemary by dbskyler (All ages, 560 words. Sarah Jane Smith.) There was something Sarah had realized when she was young. (Spoilers for "The Wedding of Sarah Jane Smith.") Beautiful, unusual Sarah vignette.

Doctor Who: Awake My Soul by nancyblackett (Sarah tribute, 3.21 mins.) As Barry Letts always said, Lis Sladen had this uncanny ability to be brave and frightened at the same time. (A tribute to Sarah Jane.) Perfect tribute is perfect. <3

Harry Sullivan
Harry Sullivan || More Than Useless by TheFiendishBeatleBug (Harry tribute, 3.52 minutes.) A video dedicated to Harry Sullivan, as well as his portrayer, Ian Marter. Fun, sweet & energetic vid that proves that Harry's definitely not as useless as some people may think.

Something of a Hero by settiai (All ages, 1682 words. Harry Sullivan, Sarah Jane Smith, Fourth Doctor.) His knees buckled as the world went dark. Because he is soemthing of a hero, yes.

The Inestimable Value of a Good Pair of Shoes by aces (All ages, 3531 words.) Harry Sullivan, a man who knows the fine art of shoe loss and replacement. Harry, all through the years. Excellent.

Best Served Hot by Rivendellrose (All ages, 2149 words. Harry Sullivan, Sarah Jane Smith.) An inspiring tale in which Harry Sullivan finally wreaks vengeance on his most hated foe. Revenge, Harry-style.

Not Another Duplicate by clocketpatch (All ages, 2272 words. Harry Sullivan, Fourth Doctor, Sarah Jane Smith.) In which the Doctor meets a Harry. Gorgeous Harry, and Harry & Four fic.

The Path of Irresistible Temptation Does Not Lead to Enlightenment by paranoidangel42 (Teen, 3186 words. Harry Sullivan/Sarah Jane Smith.) Poor Harry is hit by a cliche. Sarah/Harry sort of. This may be crack!fic. Shippy fun, as Harry copes as best as he can with a fannish trope.

Dr Harry Sullivan in... Another Exciting Adventure! (The ‘You Had To Be There’ Remix) by aralias (All ages, 1408 words. Harry Sullivan, Sarah Jane Smith, Fourth Doctor.) Delightful remix in which Harry becomes famous.

A Knight in Shining Armour by atraphoenix (All ages, 1857 words. Harry Sullivan/Sarah Jane Smith.) “I'm not sure what I'm going to do. Life on Earth, after everything I’ve seen? How am I supposed to get back to normal?” Perfect-imperfect Harry/Sarah.

The Interview by llywela13 (All ages, 2187 words. Harry Sullivan, Sarah Jane Smith, Rani Chandra, Luke Smith.) Sarah asks Harry for a favour; a meandering bit of fluff with a sting in its tail. Wonderfully bittersweet piece.

Leela: Tough by TemporalGrace (Leela tribute, 2.15 mins.) Because Leela has to be one of the most badass girls in Who, and because I couldn't find many videos of her on YT. And with those boots she is definitely the most stylish savage out there. Fun Leela tribute.

Tiller by neveralarch (Teen, 1943 words. Leela/TARDIS, Fourth Doctor.) The first thing Leela does when she gets into the Doctor's ship is try to make sure that he can't get her out again. Beautiful, clever look at Leela & the TARDIS.

Tiger Tales by Lissy Strata (Teen, 3002 words. Leela, Fourth Doctor.) After an accident in a bio-engineering lab, the Doctor tries to get Leela to have the changes reversed. However, she rather likes her new form. Just as awesome and fun as it sounds.

Chains by wolfy_writing (M, 929 words. Leela, Eleventh Doctor, Fourth Doctor, Dream Lord, Amy Pond.) Great ficlet, centring around Leela's ability to get to the heart of the Doctor's problems.

Technical Training by lyricwrites (All ages, 200 words. Leela, Fourth Doctor.) Speak clearly. Let it know who's in charge. And above all, show no fear. Brief gem.

Running All The Time by Sigyn (All ages, 1908 words. Leela, Fourth Doctor.) The Doctor had been treating Leela as a student, trying to teach her her history and her heritage, how to see the universe through the lens of scientific truth, rather than superstition and ritual. He was slowly stripping away a lifetime of savage brutality, in an attempt to reveal the brilliant and singular woman he knew her to be. But he began to suspect his one-sided training was robbing her of something just as precious as her intellect. Great Leela character piece.

Cultural Exchange by OrchisAilsa (G, 1590 words. Leela/Andred.) Set in the midst of The Invasion of TIme, because something had to happen to make Leela want to leave the TARDIS and stay on Gallifrey, amirite? Lovely missing scene, exploring the alien natures of both.

the 4th Doctor and Leela - I wanna know by teddeler (Leela tribute, Leela & Four, Leela/Andred.) I wanted to do a tribute for Leela and thought this song fit her to a tee. Interesting Leela tribute, focusing on her wish to learn more about the universe.

Looking at the Universe from the Bottom of a Well by netgirl_y2k (All ages, 1560 words. Leela, Fourth Doctor.) Where, he wondered, would be the best place to start when showing the wonders of the TARDIS to someone who in evolutionary terms had only just mastered pointy sticks? Wonderful, clever and funny look at Leela & Four and the ways in which they're not so unalike.

Into the Fire by daystarsearcher (Teen, 777 words. Leela.) A warrior like Leela would be the first volunteer for any dangerous, last-ditch plan the Doctor would have against the Daleks. And they would want to make an example of her. Leela, at the end. Excellent.

Empty Orchestra by jjpor (All ages, 402 words.) Just because he's a tin dog doesn't mean he has a tin ear. Excellent K9 ficlet.

Romana I
Doctor Who | Short Skirt/Long Jacket | Romana I by purplefringe (Romana I Trbute, 3.25 mins.) She is touring the facility and picking up slack. A Romana I fanvid Excellently done tribute to the wonderful Romana I.

Tremor by astrogirl2 (All ages, 3291 words. Romana I.) The events of "The Deadly Assassin," as seen by a Gallifreyan student called Romana. What it says, and excellent.

The Odd Couple by Doctor Tam (All ages, 835 words. Fourth Doctor/Romana.) "But they’re laugh provoking; yet they really don’t know they’re joking. Don’t you find, when love is blind, it’s kind of odd?" A love story in retrospect. Beautiful look at Romana (both of her) and the Doctor.

A Child's Illustrated Treasury of Regeneration Trauma (The Doctor Who Discovers Edition) by biichan (All ages, 1125 words. Romana I, Fourth Doctor.) Regeneration is a deadly serious business. Highly entertaining looks at Romana's regeneration.

Threads by Vali (All ages, 13,634 words. Romana I, Fourth Doctor.) Who am I? Romana demanded. What am I? Am I anything at all? Excellent and long Romana introspective.

It's Beginning To Get To Me (Four/Romana I) by calapine (Four/Romana, 4.03 mins.) Four and Romana being a bit shippy as they go save the universe. What it says, and it's lovely.

Romana II
17 Reasons Why Romana is (better than) the Doctor by calapine (All ages, 1165 words. Romana/Fourth Doctor, K9.) Cause she is, y'know. What it says (and more). Fab.

The Fear You Won't Fall (A Doctor/Romana fanvid) by calapine (Four/Romana II, 3.10 mins.) The Doctor and Romana, falling in love in Paris.

Stabbed by stormyskies (All ages, 777 words. Romana II, Fourth Doctor.) Romana asks the Doctor's help concerning her crossword puzzle. Delightful banter as Romana discovers more about the universe.

I took the one less travelled by by ionlylurkhere (Teen, 2433 words. Romana II/Duggan.) AU where it's Romana rather than Jack who ends up living through the twentieth century with Torchwood. (Romana/Duggan.) Romana being better than anyone else, especially Torchwood.

in a dim light by Branwyn (All ages/PG, 798 words. Romana II, The Daleks, Fourth Doctor.) Romana is a slave of the Daleks, and the Doctor is a nightmare incarnate. darkfic, centring on Romana imprisoned (via the BFA The Apocalypse Element), but still being awesome.

Unnamed by janeturenne (?PG, 553 words. Romana II/William Shakespeare, Fourth Doctor.) Lovely fun ficlet.

Walk Through the Dust by clocketpatch (Teen, 1000 words. Romana II, K9.) Romana learned some hard lessons in E-space. Beautiful piece about Romana in E-Space.

Fourth Doctor tag on AO3
Fourth Doctor Stories on A Teaspoon and an Open Mind
Fourth Doctor tag at calufrax
Sarah Jane recs post at sarahjane_fic (2011)
Fourth Doctor story list (ghost2, 2006)
Doctor Who Guest Characters Masterlist (updated Apr 2016)

It's the end, but the moment has been prepared for - rec your favourites that I've missed in the comments! All fanworks & ratings are welcome, with bonus points for anything or anyone I've unfairly neglected here. Go wild! (The only rules are no self-recs.)

fourth doctor, recs, 53rd anniversary fanwork-a-thon

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