50 Years Ago Today...

Oct 29, 2016 21:21

As a community originally created to commemorate the 50th anniversary of Doctor Who, and which is themed around the idea of the longevity and diversity of the series and its various spinoffs, it seems only fitting to mark the second great landmark in Who history.

On this day in 1966, British television viewers were probably somewhat taken aback to witness this:

image Click to view

In some ways, I think, the ending of The Tenth Planet is equally as influential to what Doctor Who came to be as An Unearthly Child was almost three years earlier. The whole concept of regeneration, or renewal as it was first referred to, not only allowed the series to continue after William Hartnell's departure but also allowed it to continue up to the present day, setting the stage as it did for the continuous reinvention and refreshment that has been such a hallmark of Who.

And following directly on from it, Power of the Daleks, soon to be available in animated form.

In other news, despite going on about it so much, I still haven't watched any of Class. Any good?

53 years of who, second doctor, first doctor, history of doctor who

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