The Who@50 52nd Anniversary Fanwork-a-thon: Concluded!

Dec 01, 2015 21:58

Well, November is now over and so, officially speaking, is the who_at_50 52nd Anniversary Fanwork-a-thon. And very nice I thought it was too, with some excellent fanworks produced and shared by all of you creative, committed Who-loving people who took part. I like to think that a good time was had by all.

If you're still working on anything for the fanwork-a-thon, however, or have anything else that you'd like to share with the comm, please do feel free to post it as soon as it's completed, or whatever time you would prefer. :)

In the meantime, I thought I would post a list of the lovely fanworks we've had so far since November 1. One of these days I may even get around to doing an updated masterlist of all the fanworks we've ever had for the sticky post at the top of the comm.

In honour of the 52nd Anniversary, we've seen:

Torchwood scarves (Torchwood, fan crafts) by ghost2

Eleven and Four adventure off on 11-04 :-) (Eleventh Doctor, Fourth Doctor, fan art) by tangotabby

Fic: "After the Crash" (Fifth Doctor, fan fiction, rating "G", 2853 words) by shivver13

Fic: Ms Oddbod (Twelfth Doctor, fan fiction, gen, 558 words) by merryghoul

Fic: No More (1/1) (War Doctor, fan fiction, gen, 799 words) by locker_monster

Fic: Quest Object (Fourth Doctor, fan fiction, rating "PG", 3859 words) by lost_spook

Time/Thyme Lord variations with Ten and Eleven (Tenth Doctor, Eleventh Doctor, fan art) by tangotabby

Icons: Second Doctor Era (Second Doctor, fan art) by liadtbunny

Ten and Eleven build a snowman (Tenth Doctor, Eleventh Doctor, fan art/fan crafts) by tangotabby

In honor of the 52nd anniversary.... (Eleventh Doctor, "The Curator", fan art/fan crafts) by tangotabby

Fic: Soft Jaws, Strong Bite (1/1, all ages) (Twelfth Doctor, fan fiction, all ages, 2167 words) by nonelvis

Fic: Leaving Me (PG-13) (Ninth Doctor, fan fiction, rating "PG-13", 238 words) by angelus2hot

By Your Side (worksafe) (Ninth Doctor, fan art) by angelus2hot

Third Doctor fun things :) (Third Doctor, fan crafts) by newmoonstar

I think you'll all agree with me that these were all excellent fanworks and that we really are lucky to have so many talented people taking part in the comm. And I hope I'll see as many of you as possible taking part in the 53rd Anniversary fanwork-a-thon, the 54th, the 55th, etc etc... :)

Until then...!

second doctor, twelfth doctor, the caretaker, fan crafts, war doctor, fan fiction, third doctor, fourth doctor, fan art, torchwood, companions, tenth doctor, eleventh doctor, ninth doctor, fifth doctor

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