Sixth Doctor Recs List

Nov 20, 2014 20:49

I thought I'd do recs list for Six and Seven, being the other two most under-represented Doctors in fandom, after One and Two - so this is a recs post for that walking rainbow, the Sixth Doctor! He's boisterous, off-hand, tasteless, boastful, grammatical, witty, kind, heroic, tireless in pursuit of justice, and a great lover of poetry and cats. In short, he's the Doctor, whether you like it or not. And lots of us do, we really, really do & I've collected together some marvellous fanworks to prove it.

(As ever, this list is in no way intended to be comprehensive, and please, please do rec more fanworks in the comments - I know there will be masses of great things I've missed.)

Meet-ups between characters from different eras are not only fun when done well, but they can be a good way to introduce yourself to a less familiar Doctor or companion via your favourite characters.

Backwards Traveller by Lydia Hunter (All ages, 4242 words. Sixth Doctor, Peri Brown, Ian Chesterton). The Doctor encounters an old companion who prefers to leave his past where it belongs. Excellent fic in which Six and Peri meet up with Ian, now a famous SF author.

Great Things Have Happened by Doyle (All ages, 1783 words. Evelyn Smythe, Barbara Wright, Sixth Doctor.) Evelyn gets sent on a Christmas errand. If only she knew what for. Evelyn & Barbara get to meet and talk about history, and then there's a twist in the tale...

What Might Have Been by icarus_chained (All ages, 1268 words. Sixth Doctor/Delgado Master.) A taste of the future, marred by pity, regret and lost love. The Delgado!Master stumbles across the Sixth Doctor. Interesting and bittersweet meeting for the two.

Parallels by Gary Merchant (All ages, 1600 words. Nyssa, Sixth Doctor.) Nyssa receives an unexpected visit from the Doctor.Six runs into Nyssa after she's left the TARDIS and after some inevitable amusing misunderstandings, the reunion is touching & thoughtfully portrayed.

Founding Feathers by infiniteviking (All ages, 3844 words. Sixth Doctor, Fifth Doctor, Peri Brown.) Running into a long-lost companion can be welcome, pleasant, perhaps bittersweet. Running into a previous incarnation? Not so much. Especially when it involves chasing chickens. Fun, beautifully written, and moving. (Spoilers for Trial.)

When We Were Six by aralias (All ages, 2099 words. Sixth Doctor, Donna Noble, Peri Brown, Wilfred Mott.) The Doctor takes Peri on holiday to Devon, except it isn't Devon: it's Strathclyde. Brilliant, engaging fic in which Six runs into a six year old Donna Noble, and both of them are in the wrong place.

Searching by Paranoid Seat (All ages, 1343 words. Evelyn Smythe, Wilfred Mott, Sixth Doctor. Mild Wilf/Evelyn.) Evelyn finds some unexpected company. Lovely reflective piece.

Triad by john_elliott (All ages, 5149 words. Sixth Doctor, Rani Chandra.) Newly employed as a journalist, Rani finds there's more going on at an Eisteddfod than anyone suspected. Lovely gen, plotty fic in which Six and Rani team up for an investigation.

Entanglements by ponygirl (All ages, 4367 words. Sixth Doctor, Evelyn Smythe, River Song. Slight Doctor/River.) The Doctor has made it very clear to Evelyn that he is not interested in romantic entanglements. It's one of the things they agree on, actually. Wonderfully engaging 'timey-wimey' fic.

Art: Eighth & Sixth Doctors by buzzingbuzz Great sketch of the two Doctors.

Fanworks that give a true feel of the era, on TV & in other mediums, and should hopefully provide an easy way in through fic.

Vid: Awesome Forces (Sixth Doctor tribute) by calapine (2.58 mins.) A tribute to the Sixth Doctor, Colin Baker. Fantastic tribute to Six and his era.

Gone Fishing by padawanpooh (All ages, 316 words. Sixth Doctor, Peri Brown, The TARDIS.) Six and Peri explore one of the Tardis' many environments. Sweet, fun ficlet about the wonder that is the TARDIS.

Backspin by infiniteviking (All ages, 1843 words. Sixth Doctor, Peri Brown.) He had been strong before. Now he was a menace. Peri and the Sixth Doctor, edging toward an understanding despite the usual interpolation of mortal peril. Vividly-written exploration of Six and Peri (as they explore the universe).

Snowfall by Kesomon (All ages, 289 words. Sixth Doctor, Peri Brown.) Peri's a California girl, and the Doctor needs to say sorry. What else to give her but a rare snowfall? Pretty much what it says; it's lovely.

Totem by DameRuth (All ages, 1407 words. Sixth Doctor, Peri Brown.) Peri learns that an ancient Earth concept can be successfully applied to the Doctor. Great vignette in which Peri observes that there's a reason this incarnation of the Doctor is inclined to wear cat badges.

Pointed by lyricwrites (All ages, 657 words. The TARDIS, Sixth Doctor, Peri Brown.) Every now and then, her thief stops taking gentle hints. Marvellous ficlet about why the Doctor unfixed the TARDIS chameleon circuit again, after Attack of the Cybermen.

Sorrow So Sweet (The Alone in the Void Remix) by amaresu (All ages, 622 words. Sixth Doctor. Spoilers for Trial of a Time Lord.) He finds the letters after it's all over. Beautiful, angsty ficlet, pondering Peri's fate.

Moment in the Twilight by the_seventh_l (All ages, 782 words. Sixth Doctor, Frobisher.) The Doctor and Frobisher watch a natural occurrence in the sky. Non-spoilery one-shot. Sweet Six & Frobisher moment.

The Chinese Remainder Theorem by eve11 (All ages, 1540 words. Sixth Doctor, Evelyn Smythe.) "This is the place? Oh, that afternoon we spent, just flying kites." Brilliant fic, in which the Doctor tries to explain regeneration to Evelyn.

Old Married Couple by Invasor (All ages, 430 words. Sixth Doctor, Evelyn Smythe.) A waitress observes a couple in a restaurant. Great little outside POV on Six & Evelyn.

Art: Pirate Queen Evelyn & Mermaid Six thecolinbaker What it says - what's not to love?

A Time Traveler's Calendar by Doctor Tam (All ages, 2030 words. Sixth Doctor, Evelyn Smythe.) Time Lords, you must understand, do not celebrate their birthdays. Clever and funny fic about time, Time Lords, birthdays - and, of course, chocolate cake.

Art: Six and Evelyn by bluecarrotunmei Lovely art of the two.

Mourning by faience (All ages, 2286 words. Sixth Doctor, Charley Pollard. Slight Six/Charley.) She's in mourning, but the Doctor doesn't quite know for what. Set after the events in Big Finish's Brotherhood of the Daleks; small spoilers for that and previous Charley audios. Sensitive, moving look at the situation Six and Charley find themselves in with each other.

Health Kick by Gary Merchant (All ages, 1103 words. Sixth Doctor, Melanie Bush.) Mel starts a new health regime for the Doctor. Amusing fic, but with heart underlying the fitness-fanaticism.

SCRUPLES by eve11 (All ages, 1043 words. Sixth Doctor, Melanie Bush.) It's important to stick to your principles Six and Mel play Scrabble, and it's wonderful.

In Training by eponymous_rose (All ages, 452 words. Sixth Doctor, Melanie Bush.) The Doctor and Mel discover a strange sort of exercise regime. Business as usual for them, with a great punchline.

Vid: The Sixth Doctor, Why Don't You Like Me? by DoctorTripod (3.14 mins). There aren't enough 6 fanvids, so here's one to a more than appropriate song. Colin Baker's era was colourful in more ways than one as you can see. But through all the difficulties Colin Baker is a very underrated Doctor. Hope you enjoy this and 5 Stars for Sixie? Another great Six tribute.

While reading around, I noticed that Six and Peri seem to keep meeting - and killing - fanfic tropes. Apparently this never fails to be awesome, so I've gathered them together here:

Grounds For Annulment by Sub Rosa (Teen, 4559 words. Sixth Doctor, Peri Brown. Not-Six/Peri.) Peri marries an alien and deals with wedding-night expectations. Peri and Six do the forced marriage trope and it's brilliant and hilarious.

The Fake Fiancé by infiniteviking (All ages, 3620 words. Sixth Doctor, Peri Brown.) Trapped on Verescis, the Doctor and Peri are dragooned into a diabolical wedding ritual -- but the native who helps them escape is more than he seems. Six, Peri, the fake/forced marriage trope and a great missing adventure style story.

In the Perpetual Spring by clocketpatch (All ages, 864 words. Sixth Doctor, Peri Brown.) Peri had always been of the opinion that the size of a bed didn't matter so much as the technical ability of its users. Six, Peri, sharing a bed. Lovely fic and great subversion of a trope.

Pollination by Lissy Strata (All ages, 1371 words. Sixth Doctor, Peri Brown.) While touring an alien garden, Peri runs headlong into a cliché. Six, Peri and sex pollen, with a difference.

Strain by golden_orange (Teen, 1312 words. Sixth Doctor, Peri Brown. Slight Peri/Six.) Six and Peri do the sex pollen trope again. Very funny.

Oh, and... That Coat:

Be Warned by Lucillia (All ages, 259 words. Sixth Doctor.) Bright, brilliant, eye-searing, and serving a purpose that far too many had ignored much to their detriment could be some ways to describe the 6th Doctor's outfit. The real reason he wears it...

Gymnophoria: Take Two by Culumacilinte (All ages, 501 words. Sixth Doctor, Peri Brown. Slight Six/Peri.) ‘Yeah, well, if you’re gonna go dressing like that. It’s practically an invitation for people to try and imagine what you’d look like without it.’ Inevitable consequences of wearing it...

The Science of Fashion by stormsonguk (All ages, 966 words. Third Doctor.) This is a Doctor Who fic, inspired by my wanting to know the story of who the heck would INVENT something like the Sixth Doctor's outfit. And why the heck he'd ever have it on the TARDIS to begin with. Amusing look at how the Sixth Doctor's coat came to be...

Color Coded for your Inconvenience by lyricwrites (All ages, 1124 words. Sixth Doctor, Peri Brown.) Peri and the Doctor talk about visual spectrums. The conversation goes to the obvious place. Six and his coat - gorgeous, funny, and triumphant.

Vid: Babelcolour Tribute - Colin Baker by Babelcolour (1.58 mins.) My tribute to the most colourful traveller and his amazing technicoloured dreamcoat. Fun Six tribute vid to Coat of Many Colours.

Five Phone Calls The Doctor Never Received by the_seventh_l (All ages, 2749 words. Sixth Doctor, Peri Brown, Frobisher, Jack Harkness, Evelyn Smythe, Melanie Bush.) He knew buying a mobile was a mistake. Five phone calls across the years that make up the Sixth Doctor's life. Great five times fic with humour, four crossovers in passing, and a bittersweet ending.

And Now I Must Go by JZ Belexes (All ages, 818 words. Sixth Doctor, Frobisher.) "I think you know what you gotta do, Doc. You gotta change your own future." "And how do I do that, you birdbrained gumshoe?" An interesting explanation for Six's regeneration, with bonus Frobisher.

The Chase by bibliophile1887 (PG, 282 words. Sixth Doctor, Maxil. Crossover with Blake's 7.) The Doctor and a certain member of the chancellor guard are trying to catch the thief who stole the seal of Rassilon. If you know B7, you probably know where this ficlet is going...

The Shy, Retiring Multicolour Man by john_elliott (All ages, 2144 words. Sixth Doctor, Melanie Bush. Crossover with Sherlock.) This happened to Sherlock and me today, and I thought there ought to be some sort of record. Brilliant Sherlock cross, especially the ending.

Works that focus on the companions of the era, rather than the Doctor.

Perpugilliam "Peri" Brown
An American botany student, who decided to go travelling with the Fifth Doctor, only to have him regenerate on their first outing.

On the Study of Shatter-Resistant Materials by eve11 (All ages, 3071 words. Sixth Doctor, Peri Brown.) Peri's grandmother gave her a different doll every year on her birthday. Gorgeous Peri-centric fic.

Gymnophoria: Take One by Culumacilinte (Teen, 1256 words. Peri Brown, Sixth Doctor.) She knows intimately the sensation of a pair of eyes trained on her; the awful, crawling knowledge that someone is staring at her, imagining her naked, imagining doing more than just looking. Sharply-written, sensitive look at Peri, and at Peri & Six.

Adventures in Matrimony by aralias (All ages, 2216 words. Peri Brown/Yrcanos, Sixth Doctor, Erimem, Melanie Bush.) In which Peri does not want a wedding planner, particularly not if it's the Doctor. Wedding fic, with humour and heart, in which the Doctor is not the best wedding planner...

Flight by Astellya (All ages, 904 words. Peri Brown, Sixth Doctor.) Peri and the Doctor have a heart to hearts about life, freedom, and what happened on Varos. Lovely, reflective Peri-piece, a tag for Vengeance on Varos.

In Alien Soil by lyricwrites (All ages, 1957 words. Sixth Doctor, Peri Brown.) Peri and the Doctor discuss botany, and the Doctor remembers what interests her. Beautifully done look at Peri and Six, and Peri's difficult timeline - and her interest in botany.

The Sky Was Good For Flying by Doyle (All ages, 1883 words. Sixth Doctor, Peri Brown.) The Doctor trespasses on a royal garden and meets someone he didn't expect to ever see again. Lovely reunion fic.

Melanie Bush
Computer programmer and fitness fanatic who managed the trick of travelling the Doctor without ever actually meeting him for the first time...

Working on a Dream by tromana (All ages, 679 words. Melanie Bush.) Melanie Jane Bush taught herself to be a happy child. Well-written and plausible backstory for Mel.

Fragile Things by the_seventh_l (All ages, 1206 words. Sixth Doctor, Melanie Bush.) Post-Trial of a Time Lord. He doesn't need his hand held, but he needs someone. And that someone's going to be her, whether he likes it or not. Mel, keeping an eye on the Doctor, post-Trial.

Mel and Sarah Jane in a Thrilling Victorian Adventure by cosmic_llin (All ages, 2724 words. Melanie Bush, Sarah Jane Smith, Sixth Doctor. Slight Mel/Sarah.) Companions meet, music hall shenanigans ensue. Fun & sweet fic where Mel and Sarah team up to rescue their respective Doctors, and discover some of Mel's talents along the way.

Evelyn Smythe (Big Finish)
An historian who's also great at making chocolate cake and keeping a reign on Six's more boisterous tendencies.

The Enemy of My Enemy by settiai (All ages, 1124 words. Evelyn Smythe, Sixth Doctor, The Master.) Evelyn couldn't help but wonder what the Doctor wasn't telling her. An excellent look at Evelyn.

Writing History by aralias (All ages, 1268 words. Evelyn Smythe, Sixth Doctor.) Written history alters everything. Lovely piece with great characterisation of Evelyn, and of Six.

Knit One, Purl Two by livii (All ages, 1521 words. Fitz Kreiner, Evelyn Smythe.) Fitz, Evelyn, and a jail cell. And some knitting. All in a day's work for Fitz Kreiner, ladies' man. Evelyn babysits Fitz for the Doctor, and is awesome, as is the fic.

Fading Star by settiai (All ages, 1800 words. Sixth Doctor, Evelyn Smythe.) The Doctor finds out about Evelyn's heart condition... the hard way. Moving AU.

Charlotte "Charley" Pollard (Big Finish)
With What You Will by Culumacilinte (All ages, 2423 words. Sixth Doctor, Charley Pollard. Slight Six/Charley.) One must be for ever drunken. With wine, with poetry, with virtue, with what you please, but be drunken. Superbly characterised vignette for the two of them.

Frobisher (Comics/Big Finish)
A shape-shifting alien (a Whifferdill) and Private Detective who tends to default to being a penguin.

The Uncommon Penguin by Margaret Price (PG, 565 words. Sixth Doctor/Frobisher.) Frobisher tells a little story about the Doctor and himself. Sixth DoctorFrobisher, implied SixPeri Clever little humorous piece.

This Penguin For Hire by Levendis (Teen, 3985 words. Frobisher, Sixth Doctor, The Master.) When it comes to political espionage, Frobisher is really not your man. Brilliant and funny fic that's technically mpreg, but, well...

A Night On the Town by john_elliott (All ages, 1750 words. Luke Smith, Kelsey Harper, Frobisher.) Luke's date with Kelsey wasn't going well, even before the talking penguin in the trenchcoat showed up. Fun fic in which Frobisher turns up in time to help Luke out with a disastrous date.

All Changes Big and Small by the_seventh_l (All ages, 1116 words. Jack Harkness, Frobisher.) 'Looking in the mirror, Frobisher thought he looked pretty good, even without a beak.' Sometimes even a shape-shifter needs to stay the same. Slight spoilers for "The Doctor's Daughter" and the end of "Journey's End". Crack fic idea, excellently & plausibly done.

Pulp Fiction by neveralarch (All ages, 402 words. Frobisher, The Master.) A short fic that won't make a lot of sense unless you're familiar with The Maltese Penguin audio. Excellent Frobisher voice in a case of mistaken identity.

A Spy Unmasked by john_elliott (All ages, 778 words. Kate Stewart, David Attenborough, Frobisher. Nature Documentary RPF crossover.) Sir David Attenborough's latest documentary has produced some unusual footage. Frobisher turns up somewhere unexpected. Do I need do more than point the summary here, really?

Edit This by Margaret Price (All ages, 300 words. Sixth Doctor.) A wouldbe author has their fanfic critiqued by an unexpected source. A Sixth Doctor aside. Inspired by my first proof reader who is herself a walking thesaurus. As it says. Meta-ish crack with a nice punchline and, of course, Six is the only Doctor who'd be concerned enough about grammar to do this.

And, now, over to you - any further recs for fic, art, vids, whatever that I've missed? All additions are welcome in the comments. (Please, no self-recs, though.)

recs, 51st anniversary fanwork-a-thon, sixth doctor

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