Blown AwayAuthor:
WhizzyWords: 1,400
Rating: NC-17
Black HelicoptersSummary: Sex is like sleep: He takes it where and when he can, and sometimes he goes without for so long that he can't even remember the last time he got any.
I've been wanting to write this SO HARD, but there was no way I could before finishing Black Mountainside. It would have given too much away. But hopefully now I've put to rest certain lingering, um, questions concerning John.
Oh yes! And I'll also shamelessly use this for the "original characters" square on my cliche bingo card. *grin*
Chronologically, Blown Away takes place well before the beginning of the series. But I do recommend reading Black Helicopters in this order:
Black Helicopters at DawnBig Dish GuyWrong End of the RescueTensile StrengthBlack MountainsideBlown Away