Insomnia and an unhealthy love for Eric and Tami and the whole Taylor family produced the following! This is just part 1... part 2 is to follow shortly. *** SPOILERS FOR ALL OF SEASON 3***
301: I Knew You When
Tami: It's not about the Celica. I know that it's a practical car. It's about the fact that I can't have you changing your classes. You need to be in Dr. Wells's English class... period.
Julie: Mom, I like only put 12,000 miles on the car and they were all to church, so technically they're all Christian miles.
Tami: I don't really care what kind of miles they are. Dr. Wells is...
Julie: You act as though I'm dropping out of school or something, Mom.
Tami: She's not listening to me.
Julie: I just want to get a job. I'm taking the same amount of classes and fewer hours. I'm just making my time more efficient.
Tami: It's not efficient for you to take a class with a teacher who is inferior.
Eric: You know what, it'd be really nice if people didn't throw their trash in my car... this is my car.
Tami: I'm nervous...
Eric: And, second of all, Principal Taylor... you look hot.
Tami: Thank you, thank you...
Eric: Yes ma'am...
Tami: I've got little butterflies in my stomach.
Eric: Julie, let's go. Here.
Julie: Wow, eggs... what's the occasion?
Eric: The occasion is your mother wants you to start eating breakfast because it's the most important meal of the day, that's what the occasion is.
Julie: Dad, I only eat free range eggs.
Eric: That's the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard. Eat your eggs.
Tami: I feel like an idiot. I thought I was going to go in there with all my great ideas... They don't need my great ideas, they just need money, that's all they need.
Eric: Don't do that. Come here. It'll be alright. It'll be alright.
Tami: Mmmhmmm.
Eric: It's early on. Five years from now you'll look back and laugh on it... hahahaha... come on...
Tami: You're just trying to get laid.
Eric: It's 9:45.
Eric: Hey, Hon.
Tami: You were right about the whole Julie thing.
Eric: I should have spoken to you about that beforehand.
Tami: Well, I think that's true. You know, I wouldn't have done that myself they way you did, but I know that she needed to have more of a conversation. I know I was not available for that.
Eric: Thank you for the apology.
Tami: I didn't want you to be mad at me on big opening night.
Eric: I could never be mad at my wife... it's that damn principal.
Tami: Is that a new computer?
Eric: Mmmhmmm...
Tami: Didn't y'all just get new computers the year before last?
Eric: A couple of years ago... these are network so we can communicate in house.
Tami: How nice for you. How is it so cool in here, it feels like it's 68 degrees.
Eric: That's the way I like it. It's the way I like it.
302: Tami Knows Best
Eric: I'll get more wine.
Tami: The only people who have the money are the Boosters and Buddy Garrity and I love that they want the football program to flourish, but I just think that they need to be told that if they want that to flourish, they need to give a teeny tiny bit to academics!
Eric: Baby, there's a big difference between teeny tiny and Jumbotron!
303: How the Other Half Lives
Eric: Buddy, I don't give 2 farts about the Boosters anxiety, I'm not going to choose my quarterback by committee. I don't even know why we're havin' this conversation. Well, fine, you tell them it's going to be my decision, end of conversation. Done! Goodbye. What is wrong with people?
Tami: Tell me about it, I gotta throw a party for them.
Eric: Win the first 2 games of the season, everyone is breathing down my neck!
Tami: You think 200 cups is gonna be enough?
Eric: You know that Joe McCoy? You know he spends thousands of dollars a month on that kid of his for a quarterback coach?
Tami: Thousands of dollars is what this party is going to cost us!
Eric: Honey, where are the keys? Did Julie take the keys again?
Tami: Do you think next year we can think about not having this party at our house?
Eric: What are you talkin' about?
Tami: I don't think our house is big enough for this! And those boys are slobs, they get the corn chips all over my floor, they clog my toilets, they break my things. At this point, it's a lot of work.
Eric: Listen to me. I understand, Honey, I understand, please. Look. Next year, I promise, you know, maybe we'll have it somewhere else, alright?
Eric: Did I tell you how sexy you look today? Did I tell you that you're the best friend, mother, and lover that a man's ever had?
Tami: I'm gonna need your truck cause I have to pick up your ribs tonight.
Eric: You can have my truck as soon as you find the keys.
Tami: And the best part is she has agreed to do the whole barbecue at their house. Done and done. Don't eat those sad beans, I brought Marcello's.
Eric: I don't want Marcello's.
Eric: That's fine. I've got some work to do.
Tami: Hey Hon, could you... there's a little dirty diaper that would love to say hi and welcome home. Hi Daddy... hi Daddy...
Tami: They have a valet... oh my Lord!
Valet Guy: Hi, good evening, sir.
Eric: I'll park it, thank you.
Tami: Oh no.
Valet Guy: There's no charge, sir, it's all taken care of.
Eric: I know, I'll park it, thank you.
Tami: No, but Honey, that's what they do.
Eric: I know what they do, I'll park it.
Tami: That was fun. That house is gorgeous... and that chocolate fountain, did you have some of that? Oh, that was soooo good.
Eric: Chocolate fountain...
Tami: I even had some Boosters be nice to me. Of course a lot of them were staring daggers in the back of my head, I could feel that.
Eric: I spent my whole time getting my ear chewed off about Matt Saracen and the Boy Wonder.
Tami: I'm sorry you didn't have a good time, Honey.
Eric: You know who I miss? I miss the coach's wife.
Tami: You know who I can't wait to meet? Principal's husband.
Eric: Touche.
304: Hello, Goodbye
Tami: Honey, where are we going? Honey... what are we doing? What is going on?
Eric: I need a drink!
Tami: Well, I've got... we've got a bottle of wine in the fridge.
Eric: I need a scotch-flavored drink!
Tami: Let me call Julie.
Eric: What the hell's so funny?
Tami: This is what I love about you.
Eric: What? That I can't make a decision to save my damn life?
Tami: Noooo... that you're making the decision with such a conscience. What other coach would ever do that, much less agonize over it like that? And you know, I think it's because you're a teacher first. And I know you'll think it's corny, but you are a molder of men... and I find that admirable... and I find that sexy.
Eric: Tell you what, I'll have to ruminate on that a little bit longer since you find it so damn sexy.
Tami: I'm an idiot.
Eric: No you're not.
Tami: I should never have picked this fight.
Eric: Yes, Babe... you should have.
Tami: Oh, Hon, you don't even mean that I don't think. I think you thought it was a bad idea the whole time.
Eric: That's not true, I never said that. That's not what I thought. I think it's obvious that you're right and they're wrong. Period.
Tami: Really?
Eric: You're damn right, you think we need a Jumbotron? We don't need a Jumbotron.
Tami: Of course we don't need a Jumbotron.
Eric: We need more teachers.
Tami: Of course we do.
Eric: You're right, they're wrong.
Tami: Mmmhmmm... It doesn't matter though, cause I'm gonna lose tomorrow.
Eric: Okay, yah... They're gonna get the Jumbotron, in that sense you lose tomorrow. But you stood up for what you believed in. In that sense, you win tomorrow.
Tami: Okay.
Eric: Hey. You can at least make them feel a little guilty about their big ole stupid Jumbotron.
305: Every Rose Has Its Thorn
Eric: Your mother and I would like to have a conversation about the tattoo, alright?
Tami: Now that everybody's calm.
Julie: Mmmmhmmm...
Tami: We want to...
Eric: What the hell were you thinkin' gettin' the tattoo?
Tami: Hon...
Tami: Did I ever tell you that I almost dropped out of high school?
Julie: You almost dropped out of high school?
Tami: Yahhhh... I know it's hard to believe, huh... Your momma was a little bit of a wild child back in the day.
Julie: Sooo, what happened?
Tami: Well, what happened is your dad happened. I mean, your dad... you know. And he had struggles of his own too, but you know, we were lucky. We just had each other, always managed to pull each other up by our boot straps.
306: It Ain't Easy Being J.D. McCoy
Tami: I'm excited about the dance on Saturday night. You're gonna be my hot date... my hot husband date.
Eric: The principal has the obligation of being the chaperone at the dance, not...
Tami: And you as my husband have an obligation of being my date.
Eric: I'm afraid I'm not gonna be able to do that cause I've got other things planned... I'm not gonna be able to make that dance.
Tami: Nooo... Honey, come on... of course you're gonna do it.
Eric: Honey, will you get her for a second here.
Tami: And I need you to chaperone... and be my date most importantly. Julie's coming.
Julie: I'm not going!
Tami: Of course... of course you're going, Honey it's your dance.
Julie: Not going.
Tami: What do you mean no you're not? Y'all, come on... seriously.
Tami: Oh, I thought you were Mr. Stackhouse.
Eric: Nope, I'm not Mr. Stackhouse.
Tami: What are you doing here? Do you know how late it is? Where have you been?
Eric: Mmmhmmm... I've been gettin' dressed, I've been shavin', I've been cleanin' up to come over...
Tami: Don't just... don't just come in here and slow dance, waltz with me... uh uh...
Eric: Oohhhhh... come on.
Tami: Why do you have paint in your hair?
Eric: I don't have paint... don't worry about why I have paint in my hair.
Tami: No, I do worry. You know, you stood me up? I could fire you.
Eric: No, you can't fire me.
Tami: You're supposed to be a chaperone.
Eric: Ehhh, you can't fire me... you'd have to go through the board of supervisors, the boosters... this, that, and everything else. You're not going to fire me.
Tami: Oh Lord, it would be a lot of trouble, wouldn't it...
Eric: How was your day?
Tami: How was my day? Well, I've been sittin' here at this dance with no date.
Eric: He's here.
307: Keeping Up Appearances
Eric: If I don't have my fullback on Friday night, I'm screwed. Therefore, I'm telling you I should have been part of that process.
Tami: Well, Honey, I'm telling you there's not a thing you could have done about it whether you were part of it or not.
Eric: Well, that's just great. That and a dime will get me a cup of coffee won't it? Hey Mac!
Tami: ...but what I do want to express to y'all, is I have seen football do wonderful things for kids, and that is because of my husband. He has a great ability to take a kid, get him out on the football field, and inspire them and empower them, and then that transfers over into their lives at school and in every way. And I think he could do that for Jamarcus, I really do.
Tami: I think that went well. Honey, you're opening the door for me! Thank you... oh so sweet, thank you.
Part 2: Always and Always and Always... this way! Comments are loved...