Projects galore

Sep 11, 2016 23:20

Good Evening,

I'm feeling much better tonight then I was this morning. Not sure what's up, but I think I may have eaten wrong. It's easy to when you are paleo. I have been gluten free for a year and half and paleo for almost 5 months now or is it longer? Somewhere around there, but you all know this already. My energy had been essentially nil. Then all the sudden I get a huge leap of energy and begin getting pulled in 5 directions. So I'm compiling my poetry, one thing I have been thinking about for over 3 years.

I realized I have nearly all the poetry to complete this chapbook for the longest time, but I had to get it organized . I started the organization process 3 months ago. Then took detours, all over the place. Yes I'm an artist in every sense of the word, and always have multiple projects going on, and can be quite scatter brained at times. Usually very determined if I put my mind to it. My mind wasn't on that though. Here is one I wrote awhile ago you have already read, my friends?

Meanwhile I still need to think about Ravenspath, and I only have a week until I start back at work. Then filming, designing, art and stuff will be put on the back burner. Especially since this place likes to work people 6 days a week. Good news is that I will atleast have the finanaces to start getting this stuff off the ground. I do need two things though.

1) To go out and have a nature day to reconnect and recharge as my batteries are drained, and I need to feed not to mention it's almost the Full moon

2) To have a break where I just unplug, every day all day on computer and technology is taking it's toll, and I'm about to jump full on back into the tech world so I'll be doing it all day again, need to unplug while I can and have a day where I don't do anything online at all. It's not easy!!

On another note- I did have a few dreams of interest recently though.

I discovered I have a shield aura. First time I was able to use that sort of magick in other realms which was interesting. I emitted a huge purple auric shield to block an entity. Go me!

I also had another crazy dream about meeting someone and he totally gave me an energy transfer through spirit. Crazy! It was so awesome. I've been waiting to meet him, but I never expected to meet him there . Can I have more please? So awesome <3 That is all I'll say on that one.

I'm rambling probably so I'll end here--

Enjoying my poetry, which is a from a collection I've titled 'The Vampire I loved'.

Love and Light,


stress, dreams, writing, projects, poetry, unplug, nature

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