Jan 14, 2007 16:15

Who wants to play a game ^.^ ...looks around at all the enthausatic people (meaning everyone is starting to run away) I have a new toy with the thanks to my Jamie its call WHOMP IT! Basically it's an infatable mallet with a target on the ends ^.^ guess what I found today...the instruction manual MWHAHAHAHAHA! So here is a pop quiz for you all hehe

Step 1: Inflate

Scenerio #1
Your computer crashes. What do you do?

A) Whomp it!
B) Trash it and buy a new one
C) Rebot and slowly walk away
D) Throw it out the window

A.( Whomp it)....then C.

Scenerio #2
 Your car will not start. What do you do?

A) Talk sweet persaussions and hope it listens
B) Whomp it!
C) Kick and hit til until you hurt.
D) Inspect it or get a professional to help

When A and D fail.. use B (.Whomp it!)

# 3
You're drowning in work. What do you do?

A) Procrastinate by surfing the net
B) Hire a Personal assistant
C) Buckle down with caffeinated beverages to get it all done
D)Whomp it!

Although B is very tempting just use D

You've reached GAME OVER. What do you do?

A) Throw your game controller
B) Whomp it!
C) Clamly hit...restart and try again
D) Scream at the screen and walk away

When C is just not enough...do D and then B

Your cell phone has no reception when you really need it. What do you do?

A) Whomp it!
B) Panic and try to send up smoke signals
C) Find the nearest payphone
D) Vow to change your service once you get reception again

Save yourself from futher drama and A (WHOMP IT!)...then C

You stand on the scale and the numbers teeter back and forth into never before seen numbers. What do you do?

A) Step off it, pick it up, shake, and try again
B) Convince your self you need glasses
C) Whomp it!
D) Resolve to exercise and eat healthy from then on

Throw it out the window...oh wait that wasn't a choice...then C

Your music player dies. What do you do?

A)Become your own jukebox and sing to yourself
B) Bargain, beg, or buy a new one
C) Send it back to the company for a repair
D) Whomp it!

C is so sensible. What instant gratification? Just do A and D

You drop your camera and it breaks. What do you do?

A) Whomp it!
B) Sigh and blame the accident on an invisible skin-crawling bug
C) Refuse to moan its death and fix it
D) Try to sell it online as "new" and then buy another camera

Resist whomping yourself like this and just A....but personally I like D and A the best ^.^

Hope that made your day. I've been good by the way and I start classes again on tuesday. I'm so ready to go back to class. Also I have only 3 days of classes but I'm going to be doing other stuff.....as soon as I figure out what that other stuff is. Luv yas! (runs off with squeeky mallet and evil grin)
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