i really should be doing work ^.^ (oops)

Oct 26, 2006 19:21

So I went to see one of my profs for research. She's working on computational medicinal chemistry with receptors of miliaria (i know I can't spell deal!). Anyway she answered my questions, its really cool how she works at the computer and your able to see the VDW interactions and all the bonding. Its more similiar to biochem but it still cool. Then she asked me what I wanted to do...I've going thru this phase where I'm loosing track of what I want to do. However, she then asked me if I thought about going for the PhD and then told me to just do it. I was so shocked....(in a good way) and so now I'm starting the process to see if I can switch into the PhD program. My credits should transfer (it is at the same school) but I need to meet up with Dr. V who is my advisor and the head of the graduate program here...sighs. Then I have to go talk to Malhorta about his lab. I'm really excited about his...he's working with ionic liquids and drug companies. He also has a couple nanomaterial projects. But if I can get into the PhD program...picking research is going have to take the back seat. I'm not certain that I'll get in but I'm feeling pretty good. It really cheered me up at the fact my Adv O-chem prof thought I should just go ahead and get it done with. I know I'm doing well in my classes, but I still feel like I need to prove myself to these people....and I think they've gotten the pic. The only class I'm really worried about is this Green Chem cause I have a presentation and I still need two more topics before the end of the semester ACK! >.< I'm excited but nervous at the same time....I just hope the process isn't too long...I hate that sort of stuff..Anyway I luv u all! GLOMPS!
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