while it all seems soo contagious not to be yourself and faceless in a song that has no soul..

Sep 10, 2003 17:19

Current Dress: Hollister shirt, uconn sweats, and a sweater..
Current Makeup: chap stick and mascara
Current Mood: meh,blah,weird?..strangly artistic..
Current Music: ourladypeace
Current Taste: mhmmm cheetos
Current Hair: blonde..?
Current Annoyances: nothing..well gitis' bad bad WORD GAME WHICH ISNT A WORD GAME AT ALLLLLLL
Current Smell: well its victoria secret something or other..but it smells JUST like minute maid fruit punch
Current Longing: film..my NON-broken camera..OH wait my camera IS broken..oh yah...
Current thing I ought to be doing: chem packet..oy
Current Desktop Picture: nada..its black..
Current Favorite Artist: jackson polluck, richard avedon, and annie lebowitz
Current CD In Stereo: dashy: a mission, a mark, a brand a scar? (could be any order of those 5 words)
Current DVD In Player: identity
Current Color Of Toenails: PURPLE oh yah baby!
Current Refreshment: coke a cola
Current Worry:if tomarows gonna be as good as today was/my chem packet
Current Crush: NO ONE AT ALLL..id cry out of exhaustion if i liked someone right now
Current Favorite Celebrity: Edward Norton

You Touched? my momma
You Talked to? ERIN
You Hugged? Frank, and ross..
You Instant messaged? caro
Who Instant messaged you? emily
You Kissed? rob..(?)
You Yelled At? chelsy..well only slightly
Who Broke Your Heart? matt..but this has special circumstances...

this is the first time in awhile i felt in touch with something thats me..entirely and purely ME..inescapeable ME..i sat there behind my camera yesterday i felt soo alive, soo right, and sooooo WOW..its like inexplainable how like FUCKING awesome it felt..like i could have been the best photographer ever(HA!) and I WAS SOOOOOO excited about developing my film..which sucks to develop by the way..smelly chemicals (ick!) but i mean i was sooo happy when i pulled out the roll and it was sooooo awesome..this has been the first assigment in over a year that im estatic with..its just..amazing..

that was a unnessacary ramble but..wow it was heavan to be..be..me even if it was only behind a camera while dancing in a park bare foot with erin wearing our sexy hat..oh yah what now? smile and more barefoot walks..

today was just soo good due to everything..but MOSTLY my photos..im content..for now.. and theres nothing i more i can ask for..

life is good.
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