ds_aprilfools (13) The Auction

Jun 13, 2008 17:56

 Title: The Auction
Rating: PG-13 (language)
Fandom/Pairing: Due South; Fraser/RayK
ds_aprilfools (13) bringing sexy back
Summary: The 2-7 and its members do not have a good track record when it comes to charity event

These fucking charity events. They were just the perfect way to ruin Ray's day, because right now, he was wearing a tuxedo, sitting at a table with too many forks on it, and being sternly instructed by Welsh to dance with any nice lady who might happen to ask. What sucked more was that, being a Friday, Ray would usually be home now, watching hockey or something with Fraser and eating pizza, and looking forward to some serious nookie at some point in the very near future.
     Speaking of Fraser, he (of course) was doing just fine, fending for himself at the other end of the room, amidst his own group of blue-haired octagenariennes. 
     The worst part of the evening was guaranteed yet-to-come, largely because there was something Frannie wasn't telling him. Ray hadn't decided yet, whether Fraser was in on the whole deal or not; if he was in on it, Ray knew he'd be in trouble. If not, they could at least commisserate together.
     Frannie walked up to Fraser, smiling at the crowd of old ladies before tapping him lightly on the shoulder. He leaned over so his ear could reach her mouth. Ray dearly wished he could read lips. He briefly entertained the notion of asking Dief for lessons, before that went down in flames.
     Looked like he wouldn't need to; Fraser frowned prettily, then politely pushed through the swarm of people towards Ray.
     "What is it, Frase?" Ray asked immediately, getting to his feet.
     "We're being auctioned off at ten o'clock."
     "Apparently Lieutenant Welsh agreed to donate two dates to the charity auction tonight, and decided that you and I would create the largest bidding war." Fraser rubbed his eyebrow becore cracking his neck, indicating that situations were pretty dire.
     Ray snorted. "Well, no one would take a date with Dewey, for charity or otherwise, so... I guess we should be flattered, huh?"
     "Undoubtably, Ray," Fraser said. "Though, I wish I had been informed of this beforehand. I could have planned more accordingly."
     "And what, pressed your underwear a little harder? Frase, we're being forced to eat dinner with some little old ladies. Worse things have happened to us before." He glanced around quickly before reaching over to straighten Fraser's bow tie, not meeting his friend's eyes as he did so. "Besides," he muttered, "you look damn sexy."

my table

f/k, ds_aprilfools, duesouth

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