ds_aprilfools (12) Due North

Jun 13, 2008 17:46

Title: Due North (+ the White Noise remix)
Rating: PG-13 (language) / PG
Fandom/Pairing: Due South; Fraser/RayK
ds_aprilfools (12) off the map
Summary: Ray is in Canada. (+ earlier, he was in Canada, and it was slightly different.)

Ray didn't know where he was anymore. At some point, the road he'd been on disappeared, or turned into a dirt track, which didn't show up on the map he had. He'd love to get over his manly pride and ask for directions right about now. Unfortunately, there was no one to ask -- no gas station, no house, no fucking hitchhiker. Nada. 
     Not that he was surprised. He didn't even know what he was doing, driving due north for days and days, with only the vaguest intention of accomplishing a goal. He was pretty sure he was looking for Fraser. But even that wasn't guaranteed, because he didn't know where Fraser was. He hadn't said -- other than "I will be heading back north, Ray, hopefully to take a remote position." Which was Fraserspeak for "I'm getting myself the hell away from you and your queer-ass proclamations of love." Yeah, Ray had fucked that one up big time. But it just sorta slipped out, one night, sitting there eating pizza and watching hockey (or a martial arts film -- he wasn't sure -- he wasn't watching) and then the "I love you" was there with the beer and the dim lighting, and he couldn't take it back. 
     He was off the map, now. Fortunately, his instincts were good.
(+ the remix:)

The wind blew outside their tiny tent. Well, howled was really more like it; whistled, where it tried to force itself through the seams of the tent; groaned, where it pushed insistently at the walls it couldn't blow down.
     The inside was comparatively quiet - comparatively, because Fraser had started snoring about twenty minutes ago, and though he didn't saw wood in his sleep like Stella had, or whistle like his mom had, or shake the whole fucking house like his dad had, the sighing in-and-out, in-and-out was just enough for Ray to register as he kept his eyes closed and pretended to sleep. It was kind of pleasant, even: it told him where he was. It told him he was not alone.

my table

f/k, ds_aprilfools, duesouth

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